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Moms of boys (esp. if you have all/mostly boys)... does this affect your style?

Janie Grace

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I guess I have mostly boys: two boys and a girl. :)  I'm not a frilly girl, but, no, having boys doesn't affect my style. I like what I like. I love what I call "old crap," things like rusty old wire baskets, tin cups with some of their enamel worn off (we don't drink out of these, I use them to hold office supplies or as candle holders or whatever), an old worn carpenter's tool box. You'd think boys would like that kind of thing, but, no, they make fun of me for bringing it home. Ha ha! My dishes are pretty plain. I guess I'm kinda selfish, but I love my job as homemaker, and I make it like *I* want it. :)

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I have the regular dishes from my first marriage almost 2 decades ago now. Until a few months ago, I never noticed the small butterfly on the plates. It was my 8 year old DS who pointed them out.


DH and I chose our china together but other than that, he's got almost no say in my kitchen. And the kids can have opinions when they have JOBS to pay for stuff.

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I picked out feista ware in the boys' favorite colors.  (Mine and DH's too.)  There's no pink but there's every other color in the rainbow with an abundance of cobalt and peacock.  

I don't do a lot of floral stuff because I really don't like it.  My good china is white on white basket weave.  


We have some delicate antique stuff as well as some chunky shaker furniture.  The boys know how to sit in both styles.


I do compromise for bedding.  DH didn't want floral print and no pink.  However, he's the one who picked out the coverlet with embroidered orange and white flowers.  (They are small.)




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"Style" might not be the right word. I guess maybe "home decorating sense"? I don't know, but here's the deal. I have four sons. I need new plates and was just poking around online considering different options. I noticed some pretty plates with delicate butterflies and flowers and then I thought "no way" because it was hard to imagine my big, boisterous boys eating off those plates. Is that ridiculous? (I sort of think it might be.) I mean, none of them would complain about them (they are far too consumed with what is ON the plate, food-wise) and it's not the breakability factor. It's just that we're a really masculine household and somehow, delicate butterfly plates would seem out of place. Can you identify? Am I nuts?


I have flowers on my living room rug, a stuffed chair, etc. I haven't hesitated to decorate with whatever patterns strike my fancy. But somehow (maybe because my boys are bigger and are setting the tone of our family more?) the plates seem different. What say you?

In answer to your bolded questions above......


Yes, it is ridiculous.


No, I cannot identify.


Yes, you are nuts.


I say you are drowning in first world reality and creating stress and concern for yourself where absolutely none exists. I do the same thing, but I've never done it over thinking if plates are too feminine. :p


I have all boys. I believe it is my job to make sure my boys grow up knowing what is it like living with a woman.  :D  I want them to have happy wives. (assuming they marry)


I don't even *gasp* hide my feminine products out of sight. If I have cramps and they can tell I don't feel well and ask what's wrong I tell them.


If I want the most froofroo home decor then I'll buy it. My boys don't rule this house. I do. I am the Empress here in this house. :D








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At that point (the bolded), I felt you answered your own question. They won't care and they won't notice. Masculine household or not, they certainly won't catch "teh gay" from having butterfly dinner plates around.

No one stated or implied anything like catching "teh gay".


Why bring this up?!?

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