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My Unit Study on Greece - Help?

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These are still plans in motion and what I think I am going to do is get the books a week ahead of time and have a book basket (Thank you Amber, for the idea) and put them in there. Throughout the unit she can pick any one of them for her free reading time, and we will do some of the DVD's/Netflix at night as family time/cuddle time after dinner.


Sounds like immersion therapy, eh? LOL


I would love any and all ideas for field trips and/or arts/crafts/cooking...and obviously we are unlikely to get through all of this each unit, but I want her to have choices in supplemental books. 


Objective: To learn about the Greek people, explore the archaeological finds, and learn a timeline for the civilization and why they are so important to Western Civilization. We will also explore the inventions and innovations of the Greek people.  Finally, we will read the Iliad and the Odyssey and learn about Ancient Troy and the search to find it.


Our Catholic Legacy


Usborne Encyclopedia of World History pp 154-161
Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World pp 82-95
Atlas of the Classical World: Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome


Field trip:
still looking


Arts and Crafts:
Not planned yet


Supplemental Books:
The Greek News - Phillip Steele
Did Greek Soldiers Really Hide Inside the Trojan Horse? Carol M. Scavella Burrell
You Wouldn't want to be a Slave in Ancient Greee

Mythology - Dugald Steer
Alexander the Great Rocks the World - Vicky Alvear Shecter


Historical fiction:

Megan in Ancient Greece

Magic Treehouse - Hour of the Olympic
Magic Treehouse Research Guide: Ancient Greece and the Olympics


Possibly for free reading: The Black Stallion and the Lost City

We Still need to find the version of the Iliad and the Odyssey that we are going to use.


TV/DVD Choices:

Greece part 1 and 2 - Film Ideas
The Gods of Olympus - Schlessinger Series
Ancient Greece - Schlessinger Series

Secrets of Archaeology: Ancient Greece and Beyond
Alexandria - Mixture of Greek and Roman
Beyond the Movie - Alexander the Great


Audio Books:
Magic Treehouse - Stallion by Starlight


Bible History:
Unsure yet.


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My dc's loved Mary Pope Osbourne's Odyssey series. They were at our library and my ds read them all several times. Another favorite was the Usbourne Greek Myths book. I love Hawthorne's Wonder Stories as a read aloud. Beautiful. I have it free on my kindle if your library doesn't have a copy.

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Have I got something for you  :D   A Child's Geography "Ancient Greece", free to download here. It looks to me like a "living book" style geography book of the area with juicy bits of history thrown in. I just downloaded it today to use next year for our Ancient History studies. It has 52 pages. The whole program includes Italy, Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia, Serbia, and Italy, but this is just a taste they want to give you. I thought it was nice of Knowledge Quest to do so.

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Have I got something for you  :D   A Child's Geography "Ancient Greece", free to download here. It looks to me like a "living book" style geography book of the area with juicy bits of history thrown in. I just downloaded it today to use next year for our Ancient History studies. It has 52 pages. The whole program includes Italy, Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia, Serbia, and Italy, but this is just a taste they want to give you. I thought it was nice of Knowledge Quest to do so.


That's cool!! I just downloaded it - thank you!!!

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I covered ancient Greece this Spring with dd9 and dd11. One of our favorite spine books was Tools of the Ancient Greeks. It has thematic chapters, and was especially good on Greek inventions and discoveries. It also has a craft/hands-on project with each chapter. Dd11 liked making a dramatic mask; dd9 liked baking baklava.

For the Iliad and the Odyssey, the girls loved Rosemary Sutcliff's beautifully illustrated retellings, especially Black Ships Before Troy. For mythology, they enjoyed D'Aulaire's Greek Myths. The girls read these three works a chapter a day (they're really short chapters) for 10-15 minutes. The bite-sized peices worked well, and we got through everything in 4 weeks.

Dd11 also recommends Esther Friesner's Nobody's Princess, a novel about Helen of Troy's childhood. She warns that the sequel Nobody's Prize is definately more teen in its themes.


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I covered ancient Greece this Spring with dd9 and dd11. One of our favorite spine books was Tools of the Ancient Greeks. It has thematic chapters, and was especially good on Greek inventions and discoveries. It also has a craft/hands-on project with each chapter. Dd11 liked making a dramatic mask; dd9 liked baking baklava.

For the Iliad and the Odyssey, the girls loved Rosemary Sutcliff's beautifully illustrated retellings, especially Black Ships Before Troy. For mythology, they enjoyed D'Aulaire's Greek Myths. The girls read these three works a chapter a day (they're really short chapters) for 10-15 minutes. The bite-sized peices worked well, and we got through everything in 4 weeks.

Dd11 also recommends Esther Friesner's Nobody's Princess, a novel about Helen of Troy's childhood. She warns that the sequel Nobody's Prize is definately more teen in its themes.



Do they make a series? I just found "Tools of the Ancient Romans" and it was really good! I have that on slate for our Roman Studies. I'm going to use it as a pull from book for her end of unit essay. 

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