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Lyme disease Movie


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Yes, my MIL brought a copy of this when she came to visit once. DH's sister has it and had progressed to a fairly bad stage. It helped us understand the obstacles she faced. You're right—scary stuff. It helped clear up some of the lyme disease "myths" for me.


Erica in OR

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We watched it when our dd was finally diagnosed, thank God we didn't let her watch it with us. Here we are over two years later and she is finally improving a bit on a homeopathic protocol developed by Dr. Lee Cowden. She was on biaxin, plaquenil rotated with doxycycline and flagyl for almost a year which was a nightmare. When she began to get horrific and very frightening GI bleeds from it all, we took her off everything and spent 6 months with PT and cognitive therapy to build her immune system back up. She has pain amplification syndrome now. The entire thing has been a nightmare, took 5 years to get a diagnosis.

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Good movie. One of the people whose story is told is part of my support group - or was, years ago. She is a great person. :)


We watched it on early release, and I cried. It took several tries to get through the whole thing.


Lyme and co's took my 30s away. There is no quick description for what our family endured as a result. I am lucky, literally, to be alive.


Lizzie, your daughter will win the fight. She is fortunate to have you in her corner.


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It's an absolutely scary disease! I am so grateful to this board. Mariannova in particular bringing to light all they went through with their daughter whose fight for life against Lyme's was vital information for us. Dh was bit last summer and when he found the tick it was highly engorged. I knew immediately what to do and where to go for help. Within 24 hrs., an infectious disease specialist from Beaumont had dh on doxy - 28 days first round - and from there he was watched for any signs of remaining infection. He was put on a special immune support diet, supplements, sleep regimen, etc. in order to give him every shot at not getting the diease. It worked for him, and he's fine today. However, had we not felt the tick as it moved due to being done feeding, the outcome could have been very different. Most people actually don't know they've been bit and by the time one is symptomatic, the fight is on.


We have a dear friend who has permanent cardiac damage and short term memory loss due to two years of struggle with undiagnosed lyme's. 60 days of IV treatments eventually booted it out of his system, but he's never recovered from the damage.


Okay, I have to stop thinking about it. The boys are going on a nature hike today on stateland. We'll take good precautions and I'll look them over when they get home, but YIKES! Must.not.dwell.....



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Yes, sister in law has been in bed three years now with horrible symptoms due to lyme disease. She has POTS as a result as well as neuropathy, malaria, etc. No end in sight. She has also now been diagnosed with Primary Immune Deficiency Syndrome and can't get her immune system to fight anything. It is so hard to watch, she was young, vibrant and a mom of a two year old. Now she is sick, bald, in incredible pain, with a 5 yr old that when she is really bad she isn't even allowed to see. Horrible, horrible disease.

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Yes, sister in law has been in bed three years now with horrible symptoms due to lyme disease. She has POTS as a result as well as neuropathy, malaria, etc. No end in sight. She has also now been diagnosed with Primary Immune Deficiency Syndrome and can't get her immune system to fight anything. It is so hard to watch, she was young, vibrant and a mom of a two year old. Now she is sick, bald, in incredible pain, with a 5 yr old that when she is really bad she isn't even allowed to see. Horrible, horrible disease.


:grouphug: I hope she has good support, and an excellent Lyme doc. I was exactly where she is, with a young child. It was awful - my mother and MIL really stepped up. If she can keep treating, hang in there, it will hopefully get better. I have some "souvenirs" from the bad days, that will never go away (POTS is one of them), but for the most part the worst is over. Even the neuropathy is mostly gone, and at one time, I thought it would be here forever. I hope she'll get to that point, too.

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Thank you for posting. I'd been wanting to see that and didn't know Hulu had it. I'd heard of it a while back when a friend was dealing with lymes with far greater symptoms than I'd ever heard of. Kinda wish I'd known more sooner, especially having a child develop the rash and we did a month of antibiotics but that was all suggested by our ped. Haven't noticed anything since there (year ago I think) but the movie is a big eye opener too.

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