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scheduling quick little activities

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If you have a bunch of small relatively quick educational activities you'd like to include in your day, rotating through different ones so you're not always doing the same thing (like games/apps/worksheets/ideas from various books) - how do you keep track of what you have and especially, how do you schedule them in your day? It always seems like I am going with whatever pops into my head at the time and not actively considering what we actually have available - so we end up doing the same thing over and over. When I try to write down the options I end up with unwieldy lists that I don't end up actually using.

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If it's a supplemental resource, I add it into the lesson plans when I write them at the beginning of the year.

For websites, I have an Educational Games bookmark on my browser. I add them all the that and then just work down the list and cycle back to the top when (or if we ever) reach the end. There's so much out there though! It's fine to not get to all the extras.

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If you have a bunch of small relatively quick educational activities you'd like to include in your day, rotating through different ones so you're not always doing the same thing (like games/apps/worksheets/ideas from various books) - how do you keep track of what you have and especially, how do you schedule them in your day? It always seems like I am going with whatever pops into my head at the time and not actively considering what we actually have available - so we end up doing the same thing over and over. When I try to write down the options I end up with unwieldy lists that I don't end up actually using.



I had the books in one spot and just rotated them as I finished with one, it went to the bottom or the back of the pile.


Books like Saint of the Day, Map Skills, Suduko. We'd work for 20-30 minutes, approx. a week's worth of work in one day.

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