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Long road trip - audio book ideas for teenaged girl


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My 16-year-old daughter and I would love some suggestions for audio books to listen to during a long road trip. We are open to all suggestions except for the Harry Potter series since we both just finished re-reading the books. :thumbup1:


We will have 30+ hours of driving, so the books could be a series or individual books.

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I was at the library earlier, so I looked for your suggestions. Unfortunately I couldn't find any of those books on a CD format and/or that weren't checked out already. The librarian told me about a place to rent audio books, so I am going to that store tomorrow.

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My son and I both very much enjoyed the Bartimaeus trilogy: http://www.barnesand...n=9780786852550


In fact, we've listened to the trilogy twice. (There's a fourth book, but neither of us thought it was as good as the original trilogy.)


If you enjoyed Harry Potter, these might be right up your alley. And Simon Jones, who does the audio versions, is awesome.


Edit: The first book alone is over 13 hours on audio. So, the series would keep you nicely occupied.

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"The Help" from audible.com was truly wonderful!! 29 hours of amazing narration with three different actors. Highly recommended. I purchased it (it was less than $1 per hour for entertainment so I thought it was worth the risk) and am I ever happy I did. My teen daughter is currently listening to and loving it.

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I like the Dickens novels for long audio books, as they were intended to be read out loud.


I am listening to Great Expectations right now, free from Librivox. Because Librivox is narrated by volunteers, quality is variable, but this one is read entirely by one author - Mark Smith - and he is very good. There is a list of all the books he has read exclusively (many books are recorded as group projects so each chapter can have a different narrator).


If you are looking for free audio books, then, downloaded from Librivox, Around the World in 80 Days was funny, and Ivanhoe was a great drama.

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