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Should this be checked out by an electrician?


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We had an electrical surge early this morning that fried a surge protector (even leaving a burn mark on the carpet). A couple of clock radios and the TV are fried. Several lightbulbs were fried...some were just changed a week ago. This is what I'm worried about- in the bathroom, the light and the fan are switched on with the same switch. The light works, but the fan does not and there is a burning smell. Obviously, we're not turning it on and the fan needs to be replaced, but do we need to have someone come in and check all the wiring ASAP? I'm leaning toward yes. WWYD?

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I definitey would, and then I would contact the electric company to get more information about the cause prior to contacting your insurance company (our electric company covers up to $5000 for replacement of items damaged by electrical surges that originate outside of the house).

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I definitey would, and then I would contact the electric company to get more information about the cause prior to contacting your insurance company (our electric company covers up to $5000 for replacement of items damaged by electrical surges that originate outside of the house).



That's a good idea. I do have a call into an electrician and he should be calling me back. There was a tree in the neighbor's backyard that was pulling the wires down....not all the way, just sagging. Anyway, they were here earlier to fix that!

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I would get it checked out. We had an electrical fire last year. The smoke damage to our home was really bad. We lost many cherished possessions and we had to live in a rental for about 6 months. It wasn't fun at all, but we were all okay including our pets so I can't complain.




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Did you contact the power company? Usually they will cover it if it is something they did. My DH is an electrical contractor. You do not need to have ALL the wiring checked out, but you do need to have your appliances looked at because that is where you are most likely to have problems with. They might work fine now, but eventually you could start having problems. Same with anything electronic.

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Did you contact the power company? Usually they will cover it if it is something they did. My DH is an electrical contractor. You do not need to have ALL the wiring checked out, but you do need to have your appliances looked at because that is where you are most likely to have problems with. They might work fine now, but eventually you could start having problems. Same with anything electronic.



Can the electrician look at the appliances? He's supposed to call me back in the morning. I will explain the problem as well as I can, but is there anything specific that I should ask him to look for?


ETA: Most of our appliances appear to work, but the AC is not working. We also have a dead TV, Wii and a couple clock radios. I'm really concerned that the appliances might have damage that we can't see?

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