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Starting to panic

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My kids have always been homeschooled. This summer, for the first time, I'm freaking. out. My oldest child will be in 7th grade this year. This suddenly feels very real. Middle school! Only 2 years until high school! Six years until college! Is he prepared? Have I kept him too innocent (probably)? Would he be better off in "real" school (maybe)? IDK the answers and it is keeping me up nights. I'm not 100% convinced that homeschool is the best thing for him but there are no other great school options. I'm really stressing out.

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I think what you're going through is normal. We all panic at times. That's what makes us good at home schooling.


My oldest will also 7th grade and I have many panic moments. I panic because he's not where I thought he would be, and I'm wondering how that will affect future plans. It's something I struggle with the whole accepting where he *is* and not where I think he *should* be. It keeps me up at night.


However, I know without a doubt that he would NOT be better in school. At least not any school around here. Maybe one of those special private schools for dyslexia students would be better for him but that is simply not an option.


Just breath. Read a good book. Go for a run. :)

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Breathe! Breathe! Ok. You're fine. Yes, you probably have some very real concerns, but you don't need to panic, just evaluate. I'm sure yu are where you should be, but just stop and think about where your child is. Is he at or around grade level in most subjects? Are you covering all the subjects you should be, in a pretty thorough and systematic way? If the answer is "yes" then you're fine academically. Does he have friends? Or at least is able to talk to people? Can he go into a store and buy milk? Can he order at a restaurant? Well, then he's probably ok socially. I know, it's easy to get into a tizzy. Sometimes I feel that way, but I chalk it up to the brainwashing that goes on on public education, that they are the only ones who can do a legitimate job educating our children. S, when I panic, I go through my mental check-list and realize that we are fine.

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Like pp said, you need to take a deep breath and then work backwards. What do you want your child to have accomplished by the time they are finished with high school. Then you need to work backwards and break down what you will need to do and how to get there. How social do you think he needs to be, the start working on it. A lot of times parents assume that the school should do all these things with the kids but is it really the responsibility of the school or of the parent? If you feel you have sheltered him too much then maybe you need to start discussing things with him.

Take a deep breath and then do what you can a little at a time.

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Just know that you're not alone in feeling this way. I get this feeling, too, sometimes. Personally, I think it's spiritual warfare (these panicky thoughts). I talk to my husband about it and then I reassure myself that all will be fine. This parenting thing is not easy!

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