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Cleaning a coffee pot


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I've cleaned my coffee pot with vinegar, but when I make coffee it still has that weird taste, like it needs to be cleaned. Does anyone know of a method that works better than the vinegar, or should I just commit to buying a new coffee pot at this point?



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How much vinegar did you use? And did you run at least one pot of water after through?


I think if you used plenty of vinegar and did run at least one pot of water through, it might just be time for a new pot.


If you have very hard water you could also try CLR.


I used a whole pot, and ran it through twice. Then ran water through twice after that. Yeah, looks like it's time for a new one. Darn, now I'll have to go shopping. :p

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The mechanical part, sorry.

have you checked to see if it has a filter that needs to be replaced? If you don't know, maybe try Google for the make/model. You may also try soaking it overnight in vinegar, then running the full cycle with the vinegar instead of coffee (it stinks so I do it outside) and taking a tooth brush to the parts where the coffee sits to make sure any oily residue from the coffee is removed. Ours has a little spring that pushes up to allow the coffee carafe to be removed without the coffee draining out of the pot while it is brewing. I have to clean it periodically due to the oil build up. When I run vinegar though, ( I unplug it and then) tip the mechanical part over the sink and use the power sprayer from my sink to spray out any residue. This helps to rinse it also. I also use a bottle brush to scrub as much as I can. We have hard water so build up is inevitable unless I want to buy my coffee water. I then run 4 or more pots of water though to rinse the inner mechanics. It always surprises me how much crud comes out. :ack2: I run the permanent filter through the dishwasher, but I scrub it with straight Dawn and a toothbrush first and rinse with hot water. There are a few removable parts on ours, and I run them through the dishwasher too.
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have you checked to see if it has a filter that needs to be replaced? If you don't know, maybe try Google for the make/model. You may also try soaking it overnight in vinegar, then running the full cycle with the vinegar instead of coffee (it stinks so I do it outside) and taking a tooth brush to the parts where the coffee sits to make sure any oily residue from the coffee is removed. Ours has a little spring that pushes up to allow the coffee carafe to be removed without the coffee draining out of the pot while it is brewing. I have to clean it periodically due to the oil build up. When I run vinegar though, ( I unplug it and then) tip the mechanical part over the sink and use the power sprayer from my sink to spray out any residue. This helps to rinse it also. I also use a bottle brush to scrub as much as I can. We have hard water so build up is inevitable unless I want to buy my coffee water. I then run 4 or more pots of water though to rinse the inner mechanics. It always surprises me how much crud comes out. :ack2: I run the permanent filter through the dishwasher, but I scrub it with straight Dawn and a toothbrush first and rinse with hot water. There are a few removable parts on ours, and I run them through the dishwasher too.



Oh, I hadn't thought to let the vinegar soak in there overnight before I run it through, I'll give that a try! Thank you! :) I don't know if mine has any removable parts though. Hmm. I'm going to have to go online and find the manual, I think.

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