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Book recs for teen boys?

AFwife Claire

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My oldest son is looking for some good books to read over the summer. He's almost 16, and he just finished reading the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. He enjoys fantasy like that (and like Lord of the Rings), but he's also enjoyed things like the Horatio Hornblower series and books by Ted Dekker. Any recommendations so we don't just have to randomly browse library shelves, hoping something strikes a fancy and is decent? : )



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How about these that my son has enjoyed recently.


The Legend of Drizzt series

Wheels of Time series

Septimus Heap

Malloreon by David Eddings

Belgariad by David Eddings

The Elenium by David Eddings

The Tamuli by David Eddings

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wheel of time series. I think there are 11 or 12 books. I bought 1ds the first two as he was going on an extended trip. He insisted he wouldn't have time to read them. I said take them, you might be bored. He read them both and went looking for the others as soon as he got home.


Ender's game series/shadow series by orson scott card. (the first has been made into a movie coming out in nov - with harrison ford and ben kingsley. i hope it does the book justice)

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How about Neil Gaiman? My son liked his Anansi Boys.


I like Neil Gaiman a lot. That said? There is a man eating vagina monster in Anansi Boys. Walking, full of teeth, etc. It disturbs some people. Just sayin'.


Stardust, M is for Magic or The Graveyard Book are other possible Neil Gaiman starts, depending on the age of the teen.

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I like Neil Gaiman a lot. That said? There is a man eating vagina monster in Anansi Boys. Walking, full of teeth, etc. It disturbs some people. Just sayin'.


Stardust, M is for Magic or The Graveyard Book are other possible Neil Gaiman starts, depending on the age of the teen.


LOL! Thanks for the heads-up. Maybe I'll try one of the other ones.


Ive just spent awhile on the library website, and these all look like very popular books! We're #14 for Ender's Game, and most of the Eddings books have us waiting as well, although not as long! Once they start coming in, Nathan should have plenty to occupy himself with through the end of summer!

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wheel of time series. I think there are 11 or 12 books. I bought 1ds the first two as he was going on an extended trip. He insisted he wouldn't have time to read them. I said take them, you might be bored. He read them both and went looking for the others as soon as he got home.


Ender's game series/shadow series by orson scott card. (the first has been made into a movie coming out in nov - with harrison ford and ben kingsley. i hope it does the book justice)



The movie is called Ender's Game, but they are drawing material from both Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow (the first book in the Shadow series)

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