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Board games my ds7 can play with ds3 1/2

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My boys love playing board games together. It's one of the times they play beautifully with little or no arguing! Currently they play Candy Land, Hi Ho Cherry-O, Memory and Chutes and Ladders and Caribou. Most of these are well below my ds7's age but he has so much fun he is willing to play with his brother. What are some other games that can be easily played by 2 little boys together?



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We love games and, because of the age difference in our dc, have always had them playing games designed for older than they are. I noticed you have Caribou. We love all the Cranium games. Try HULLABALOO (fun, physically active game), BALLOON LAGOON, ZOOREEKA (designed for older, but our son played at 4 with help on reading).


We also love SORRY and TROUBLE. We have especially loved GAME BOARD BOOKS from Learning Resources. They are sets of 6 games that all come in 1 book. They have a preschool set involving, colors, counting, numbers, letters, etc. They also have sets for phonics and several math concepts.


I always check our local thrift store for games. I have purchased $20-$25 games for as little as $.50. I do always check the contents to make sure the pieces are all there, though. If you spend just a little, you don't feel bad if you get it home and the kids don't like it or it's too hard.


Happy Gaming!

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