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Runners/walkers/breathers Check in 8/4

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Right now I'm in a lower-grade Saucony. I need to go to Fleet Feet and have them fit me (watch me run, etc.). My first pair of running shoes were Asics something or others -- $130 or so :blink: I hate to keep spending that kind of money, but I think I'm going to have to. :glare:

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Did my four miles, as planned. Felt stiff, as expected. I realized that my "long" (in quotes because 8 or 9 miles may not be long to some folks!:tongue_smilie:) run Sunday was the longest I've gone since the half marathon in April. I usually have such a short window of time, I stick with the 4-6 mile range. I have to get my body used to the occasional longer distances again!

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Colleen - are you training for another race? If so, what distance?


Newlifemom- I swear it does get better!!! Really. I've been working out HARD since January. A couple weeks ago I started a new strength training routine. I was sore for a week! And, I think I'm in pretty good shape! It's better now and I'm better for it. But, that first week or two is hard when trying something new - no matter how long you've been working at it!

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I'm not sure I can agree. I did my workout this morning day 5 of trying to start working out and boy am not feeling better. I know where every muscle(well flab of fat muscle wanna be) is right now. Does it ever get better?



There's a hump that you have to get over and then it doesn't feel good always, but it stops feeling bad.

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Right now I'm in a lower-grade Saucony. I need to go to Fleet Feet and have them fit me (watch me run, etc.). My first pair of running shoes were Asics something or others -- $130 or so :blink: I hate to keep spending that kind of money, but I think I'm going to have to. :glare:


I run in Asics and don't spend that much. Mine are under $100. I love Asics.


I hope you get that pain figured out soon.

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Did my four miles, as planned. Felt stiff, as expected. I realized that my "long" (in quotes because 8 or 9 miles may not be long to some folks!:tongue_smilie:) run Sunday was the longest I've gone since the half marathon in April. I usually have such a short window of time, I stick with the 4-6 mile range. I have to get my body used to the occasional longer distances again!


Great job Colleen. Hey, for most of this group, 8 or 9 is long!

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Colleen - are you training for another race? If so, what distance?


I may run the half-marathon here at the end of September, or up in Victoria in early October. I haven't signed up for either because if we go to Switzerland in September ~ still not sure on that ~ it'll set my training back and I don't think I'd be up for either of those. Even when I'm not training for a particular race, I do always follow a plan (from the coolrunning.com site) just so I have something to keep me on track. Best would be if I cross-trained and mixed things up more, but stubborn mule that I am, I keep running the same plans over and over.:D

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30K?! Holy cow!!! That's one LONG run! How'd you do? Did you run the entire thing? Congratulations and you deserve the day off!


I'd love a coach to help me train for my leg of the marathon relay. My goal is just to finish without walking - it's 5.8 miles! (That's 1.8 more than I currently run on my long day.)


I walk through the water stops but otherwise, yes, I ran the whole thing. I did well - though not as well as I had hoped. My dream is to qualify to run Boston and I had hoped to finish the 30K on pace to do that. However, I was off slightly. It is a hilly course, though, and there were few participants so I didn't really have anyone to chase or to chase me so I lagged in the middle miles.


If you have trained 60% of the distance, come race day, adrenaline will carry you across the finish. Most marathon training plans go up to 18-20 miles for the long run, 3 week prior to race day.


When & where is your relay?

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I may run the half-marathon here at the end of September, or up in Victoria in early October. I haven't signed up for either because if we go to Switzerland in September ~ still not sure on that ~ it'll set my training back and I don't think I'd be up for either of those. Even when I'm not training for a particular race, I do always follow a plan (from the coolrunning.com site) just so I have something to keep me on track. Best would be if I cross-trained and mixed things up more, but stubborn mule that I am, I keep running the same plans over and over.:D


Very good!! I'm so impressed with the races you run!


I'm gonna' hafta go check out coolrunning.com. I've not been there yet.


I'm SOOOO jealous about your Switzerland trip! We're currently saving for an extended trip (3 - 4 month) to Europe in 2010. I can't wait!!!


I walk through the water stops but otherwise, yes, I ran the whole thing. I did well - though not as well as I had hoped. My dream is to qualify to run Boston and I had hoped to finish the 30K on pace to do that. However, I was off slightly. It is a hilly course, though, and there were few participants so I didn't really have anyone to chase or to chase me so I lagged in the middle miles.


If you have trained 60% of the distance, come race day, adrenaline will carry you across the finish. Most marathon training plans go up to 18-20 miles for the long run, 3 week prior to race day.


When & where is your relay?


Wow again. Sounds like you are doing great! When do you want to run Boston?


I'm running in a relay during the Detroit Marathon. The race is October 19th, so I have plenty of time to train. My leg goes through the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel. I'm looking forward to it!

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When I first started running in earnest 3 years ago, I had developed a severe pain in my left heel. It was particularly painful in the morning and I could hardly put any weight on my heel. It would feel better as I got moving around and wouldn't bother me at all during a run after I warmed up a mile or two. Eventually it got unbearable and I saw a podiatrist. He determined that I had Plantars Fasciitis and prescribed a steroid for a couple of days. Thereafter, I took ibuprofen for a week. The pain went away within the first couple days of the steroid. I also stopped doing aerobics and started swimming or cycling instead. I have been injury free for 2+ years now.


A neighbor of mine had similar pain in his heel and he saw the same podiatrist. He shares my story. You might Google Plantars Fasciitis and compare symptoms.


I am sure this is the problem. Do you suppose this could be self-treated? I see several products available.

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O.k., everybody--we did it! My friend and I left near dusk, 90 degrees, 75% humidity, and walked/ran for an hour and 15 min. It was awesome not having the sun on us.


Same thing tomorrow night. Thanks for the encouragement this morning!





Way to go!!!! That's quite a run!!! Sounds like it's the best time of day for you.


Now, we'll wait for an update tomorrow!

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O.k., everybody--we did it! My friend and I left near dusk, 90 degrees, 75% humidity, and walked/ran for an hour and 15 min. It was awesome not having the sun on us.


Same thing tomorrow night. Thanks for the encouragement this morning!




:thumbup: Good job!!! Thanks for letting us know.

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I left the house at 8:00 a.m. and got home at 8:00 p.m. I spent the day with 21 of my friends and their children going to the Tulsa Aquarium. We took 5 vehicles. I had a flat on the way. Thank heavens for one of the teenage boys who was very skilled in the flat changing department.


It was a very loooooong day. Fun buy looooong. I hope to run in the a.m.


Oh and did I mention it was about 106 today? :tongue_smilie:

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