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all over pain


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but mostly in my trunk.


This happens sometimes. It doesn't seemed linked to a virus this time, though I think it has been before. I have a little post-nasal drip and slight cough, but it seems like allergies since I don't feel sick, just a little weak and tired. I had pain for ovulation last night and feel the hormonal changes. It's pretty intense with no obvious explanation. Usually, I can lie low but today's a big day.


Any ideas??

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I attended a lecture yesterday on the methylation cycle (how nutrients are used and processed, absorbed etc. by the body.) by a guy who is at the forefront of research on the subject. He gives lectures to many drs groups. pain could well be linked to that because the cycle is very finely balanced, and the least little thing can upset the balance - and depending upon where the cycle is upset - pain can be the result.


I also learned b12 is stored in the gallbladder - so if you've had it out, you can not store any.

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general pain could be a ton of things. It could be fibromyalgia . . . which my sister and daughter both have


but food allergies is a very common trigger. If you can afford it, a mail order test like ALCAT, which i used, is a great place to start - for me, tho, i did ALCAT and an allergist, and ended up w 20 safe foods. it took me years to test every food and see which ones realy bother me. but for me, body aches went away when i quit dairy and gluten. Soy is a trigger for a lot of people, carbs in general for some.


for the food triggers, you should go on a safe diet for at least a month or two, and then re-introduce foods and see if you react. its depressing to lose foods, but empowering to know you can feel better without depending on doctors and drugs

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Thank you.


It was a weird day. After posting this, I took ibuprofen and it didn't do a thing. Then I was able to stop back home for a short while later in the day and was able to lie down for a bit. I fell asleep and woke up within a half hour and the pain was completely gone. By then the medication I took would have worn off anyway, so I know it wasn't that. It was the strangest thing.


I ate lentils the evening before and I've heard they can affect people who are sensitive to them. I also thought maybe I slept in a strange position the night before, and lying down again re-adjusted me. But usually if I wake up stiff, the pain remains for the day. I can't think of anything that would clearly explain it.

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I attended a lecture yesterday on the methylation cycle (how nutrients are used and processed, absorbed etc. by the body.) by a guy who is at the forefront of research on the subject. He gives lectures to many drs groups. pain could well be linked to that because the cycle is very finely balanced, and the least little thing can upset the balance - and depending upon where the cycle is upset - pain can be the result.


I also learned b12 is stored in the gallbladder - so if you've had it out, you can not store any.


B12 is in bile, which is stored in the gallbladder but also in the bile-producing cells of the liver itself. Most stored B12 in the body is in the bile-producing cells of the liver, not the gallbladder.


Regardless, B12 deficiency is common and can result from many different factors, many of which the person may be unaware of.

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