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Why does our local High school require mandatory cheer practices beginning this week for the incoming freshman girls who are not even out of middle school yet? At our middle school we have mandatory after school practices for drama this week because it's show week. I'm about to get an ulcer. I hate conflict/confrontation. I had to ask the cheer coach for 2 days off the first week of cheer for Snow to be in her performance, and I had to pull her early from Drama today to attend the first day of cheer. Her Drama teacher was not happy with me, and she reminded me it was mandatory. I am doing my best to meet both expectations. It's so dumb that I'm upset that I disappointed the drama teacher. Why do I need peoples approval is whole different can of worms. I'm going to be much happier next year when Pippi is at home, and I only have one in PS. Vent over.

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Usually the same reason incoming freshman football players have summer training and incoming musicians have band camp: the season starts immediately when school does and they need to be in shape and know the plays/songs/routines. It takes weeks to build up strength and to learn those complicated steps and stunts safely.

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Just a different way of thinking about this; I don't remember my mom working out extracurricular conflicts for me at that age. I had to speak to the coaches and directors on my own and figure out how to manage the conflicts and make the calls as to which I was going to disappoint. Her choice to be in cheerleading impacts her choice to be in drama and it's an important lesson to learn. Is it possible to pull yourself out of the middle and let your DD work with the people in charge?


Otherwise, don't sweat it. You can only do what you can do with the limited number of hours in the day.

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I'm guessing, like others mentioned, they need to be ready to perform at the start of the school year. I would encourage your daughter to handle communications at this age too.... unless it's for a health & safety issue.

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Around here there are dates before which high school sports cannot start, which, for "Spirit" (and football) is the Monday of the second week in August.


ETA. I disagree that dd should handle this. It is a policy issue. The high school should not be able to make anything mandatory for middle school students. Or even optional. It's out of their jurisdiction.

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Around here there are dates before which high school sports cannot start, which, for "Spirit" is the Monday of the second week in August.


In the state where I grew up, there were "optional" cheer and dance camps. The reality was that everyone went. There were also "optional" workout days at the local high school, but if you were in varsity sports, you were expected to be there.

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ETA. I disagree that dd should handle this. It is a policy issue. The high school should not be able to make anything mandatory for middle school students. Or even optional. It's out of their jurisdiction.



If the OP is going to try to make a policy change, than yes, the parent should deal with it but I'd suggest getting other parents on board first or one becomes "the parent". If it's just the student needing to let coaches, etc know what's going on and to discuss their options, by late middle school, they need to handle it, or at least try first.

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I'm back. I got to spend the night in the ER with food poisoning and dehydration. IV's hurt. Ouch!

Anyway, I handled it because one of her teachers is very intimidating, and my daughter who isn't scared of anyone is scared of her. I wasn't in the mood to have her yelled at and berated. The teacher was not happy with me, but because I'm an adult it stayed very civil. I'm grateful for that! Snow will start to handle situations on her own a little more each semester. I have this imaginary time line in my head. While she's in MS she's still my little kid, but when she becomes a Freshman its time for more independence.

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