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Looking for math that's considered "behind"

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:iagree: I do not see the point of choosing a curriculum based on a number on the front.



I agree (sort of) but if having a tool labeled "5" motivates her to do the work, then I'll see if I can find a tool like that... that she can handle.


I'm looking closer at Jump Math. I can order the classroom books and use the online TM. The program is looking almost perfect at the moment... assuming shipping costs don't kill me (coming from Canada). OR... I can adapt the lessons in the TM to use with Jump at Home (cheaper).


Still pondering Learn Math Fast, too. I wish there were samples of Volume 1 on the web site. I am befuddled by the lack of sample pages.


Yet another option would be Oak Meadow Math (4th grade). It's not a workbook or anything like that, so I don't think she'd ever see the cover or know it was (gasp! horrors!) a 4th grade book.


I know it seems like I'm going through an awful lot of effort to satisfy what appears to be an unimportant request. But, it's not unimportant to her. It's huge to her. I may not be able to find an appropriate program, but I'm willing to try.


Oh, and taking another look at TT5. (Look! A 5!)


Honestly, she may decide that the "5th grade" programs are too hard and ask for an easier (4th) program. That's okay with me, too. Maybe a little reality check is exactly what she needs. Maybe. We (my kids and I) are figuring this out as we go. Our homeschool is less like classical and more like jazz.

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If she is struggling with her facts I would look into MUS. Also another option is RIght Start they have levels A, B, C, not grade levels.

Also I do agree that Teaching Textbooks is a grade level lower, let her work through those. I might combine TT with either LOF books (not labeled grades either) or would try JumpStart and see how it goes.

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Well, color me shocked. Homefry is willing to go with Teaching Textbooks. I seriously did NOT think she'd want to use it again (we did half of TT3), but she's game. She said she hated it less than Math Mammoth and Math-U-See. So... yeah. There ya' go.


She also told me that her chief concern with being a "5th grader" is related to AWANA: she wants to qualify for AWANA camp next summer (2014), but that's for rising 6th and 7th graders. I suggested that for AWANA we can call her whatever grade she wants. Next yr will be her 3rd year in T&T. There's also a big part of her that just wants to *grow up* and be learning at a higher level. (And mama - internally - cries out, "Hallelujah! It's finally happening!")

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I got Learn Math Fast for my oldest (we've tried everything since he came home from public school, with no luck) and he has actually done really well with it. He likes how straight forward it is, and I like the fact that it really does start from basics and works up. I really wanted to make sure I got all the basics covered before we moved any further ahead because I found I was constantly re-teaching him stuff. I can say this is working really well!

I may actually have him stick with it all the way through since he is putting out more books.



We are finished with Book 1, so if you're interested let me know...


Good Luck!



Still pondering Learn Math Fast, too. I wish there were samples of Volume 1 on the web site. I am befuddled by the lack of sample pages.




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I got Learn Math Fast for my oldest (we've tried everything since he came home from public school, with no luck) and he has actually done really well with it. He likes how straight forward it is, and I like the fact that it really does start from basics and works up. I really wanted to make sure I got all the basics covered before we moved any further ahead because I found I was constantly re-teaching him stuff. I can say this is working really well!

I may actually have him stick with it all the way through since he is putting out more books.



We are finished with Book 1, so if you're interested let me know...


Good Luck!



As a matter of fact, if you're selling your copy, I *am* interested, mainly for younger DD at this point. PM me the details...

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I know it seems like I'm going through an awful lot of effort to satisfy what appears to be an unimportant request. But, it's not unimportant to her. It's huge to her. I may not be able to find an appropriate program, but I'm willing to try.




It is not an unimportant request! You might choose not to honor her request, for good reasons, but it's still a very valid request on her part. I praise you, instead of rebuking you, for hearing her and exploring all the options, I think we need more curricula aimed at homeschoolers who are at the lower and middle range of normal. There are a LOT of them. They are a significant part of the population and deserve to have their needs met, as much as the smaller gifted population.


There is nothing wrong with being normal, and being treated as normal. :banghead:


Our homeschool is less like classical and more like jazz.




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It is not an unimportant request! You might choose not to honor her request, for good reasons, but it's still a very valid request on her part. I praise you, instead of rebuking you, for hearing her and exploring all the options, I think we need more curricula aimed at homeschoolers who are at the lower and middle range of normal. There are a LOT of them. They are a significant part of the population and deserve to have their needs met, as much as the smaller gifted population.


There is nothing wrong with being normal, and being treated as normal. :banghead:




YES! :iagree: :iagree: :iagree:

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Has anyone used Mastering Mathematics? It's ungraded and looks promising.



I have often looked at this program and thought it looked good. I've never heard from anyone who'd used it though. Maybe someday I'll buy it just to satisfy my curiosity.


I would also recommend the first Strayer Upton book. It says first book on the cover, but it covers third and fourth grade math. You could jump in in the middle where it starts fourth grade. It is cheap, and very incremental. I don't think it would be a good idea to push her into math she's not ready for (and I think you agree). It would probably be better to find something at her level that doesn't have a 4 on the cover. :)


ETA: Oh, sorry, I didn't read the rest of the posts. It looks like you decided already. Good luck!

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I would also recommend the first Strayer Upton book. It says first book on the cover, but it covers third and fourth grade math.



I copy problems from S-U, using it MOTL style. Sometimes I scan, enlarge and print a page of problems.The pictures are of quite young children. I have students I will just hand the book to, and others I won't. S-U isn't a book that is meant to be completed, like Saxon. A teacher is expected to use it as a resource.

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I know you've gotten lots of good suggestions, but I thought I'd throw this out there. My oldest daughter used Houghton-Mifflin's Math Steps for a while. It's a workbook based "intervention program" designed to get kids up to grade level. It's keyed to CA state standards, and covers the material that a student needs to know, but uses simpler explanations and sample problems. The workbook problems start with simpler numbers, in order to focus on the concept, and build up to more difficult material.You can find the workbooks inexpensively on Amazon.


My daughter lacked confidence in her math abilities, because she was grade skipped at our charter school, but very asynchronous in her development. Eventually her math abilities caught up and took off, but those few years of Math Steps really helped.

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I am having a hard time reconciling her lack of motivation with her wish to work at grade level next year. In the absence of a learning disability, I am wondering why this wish can't be turned into a goal, why the reward of working in a 5th grade book can't be earned through hard work. Can this not become a mission, if it is so important to her? Can this thing that is so important to her not serve as motivation?


Obviously, you know her and I don't. That is just what puzzles me. With any one of my kids, I would have a heart to heart and make a plan to power through before I would look for a new program. Of course, if the current program isn't working, I get that. Or if it just isn't a fit...or whatever. But you just mention that she is unmotivated, so that left me wondering.


Agreed. I'd use this as a chance to work hard now, and maybe do math over the summer, to be in the 5th grade book next year.

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Sounds to me like your child just wanted to *know* what grade she was in so she can do the AWANA activity. I just declare my kids whatever grade they would be in school based on age for community activities. It has nothing at all to do with their academic abilities. Just tell her she's a 5th grader and then work on math skills wherever or however she needs to to make steady progress in whatever grade book she needs to be in. I also tell my kids that those numbers on the book are for the "next" book in that series.

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