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36w breech baby and feelings of guilt - update

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The Webster worked for us. My middle daughter flipped 24 hours after having it done. It was halfway through the 9th month and she'd been breech for two months. Switch OBs to one that has experience doing vaginal breech deliveries-I know someone who switched at 36 weeks. I know two mothers who delivered their normal breeches at home with a midwife. Don't be intimidated by people paying the dead baby card-breeches used to delivered vag. most of the time, but people sue for under intervention, not over intervention, so most OBs now just play it legally safe and automatically do a c-section. Few are even being trained to do breeches at all anymore.


I had a necessary c-section with that child because a fallopian tube spontaneously ruptured and the placenta started tearing off in labor at 40 weeks-the placenta came out before she did. I was one of the 2% that got a life threatening infection from the surgery. There are real risks to both mother and baby with a even an elective c-section. Only have one when the benefits of a c-section outweigh the risks of a vaginal delivery. If your OB is not trained to do vaginal deliveries of breeches (many no longer are) find someone else who is.


If you read Obstetrical Myth vs. Research Reality, you'll see that medical evidence shows there is no increased risk of a normal breech delivery compared to a c-section IF YOUR OB IS TRAINED TO DEAL WITH THEM. If your OB is not trained to deliver breeches vaginally, your OB is the increased risk and can only do a c-section. Now, that doesn't mean every breech can be delivered vaginally, but it's worth a try with someone who is skilled at doing it both ways.


Breech babies, extracted (vacuum and forceps) babies, and c-section babies are at increased risk for neck vertebra damage and misalignment. They get labeled colicky and reflux because they can get infant migraines from being pulled by their heads during delivery. It affects the nerve at the base of their necks which is used to vomit. They can cry for hours (mine went for 6 hours a day) until you see a chiropractor that specializes in newborns or until they can hold their heads in such a way that doesn't hurt. That's what happened to mine. It took weeks of chiropractic treatment to fix the screaming and vomiting. Then she got migraines again at age 9 for 6 hours at a time with vomiting 10-12 times an hour. The MRI the ped. neuro ordered showed that her neck curved the wrong direction. The ped. neuro at PHX Children's Hospital recommended rescue meds and more chiro. treatments and acupuncture. She's doing well now, but it's NOT a no big deal thing to have a c-section. It can have consequences-only do it if you have to. If you have to then you have to and God bless you.

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I just had an emergency c/s in Dec...the Dr who did my c/s is the "30 second Dr." and he got my baby out in 30 seconds...I was barely out under general anesthesia when the scalpel cut. My recovery has been rough! It was not the birth I had planned.



At the point that the Dr informed me that the c/s was needed, I had an overwhelming peace. What else could I do but let the Dr save my baby and myself? dd was born a zero apgar, we came too close to losing her. Had we had a homebirth like I wanted we both would have died. Sometimes things happen to put us in the right place at the right time. (I was induced b/c of preeclampsia.)


Bond? All I could do was pump milk for my baby for days...so I have 300oz of milk in my deep freeze. :lol: She is attached to my hip when not attached elsewhere. :001_wub:



It's not a pretty birth story, but it's the story of how my sweet dd came to me and so it's beautiful to me. The scar on my belly is huge and jagged, but I am just thankful to have dd here. If I could go back in time and *do* anything to make the birth less traumatic, I would. I can't. It's not something I want to repeat but I'm proud of how we (dd and I) have overcome. (If I could plan that c/s an hour before my placenta abrupted??? But how could I have known???)



You are doing what a loving momma does; planning for the healthiest birth. Whatever happens, know that you have done all you can do and birth in peace. Most people mean well even when they say very offensive things. Focus on baby. :grouphug:

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I know how you feel. My twins were breech. I saw a chiropractor for weekly adjustments and webster technique from week 28 on. I did inversions (SO INCREDIBLY PAINFUL with two in there!), I did every stretch and exercise, did ice and music, everything that I could find to recommend turning those two stubborn babies! It didn't work. Just a few days before I went in for my scheduled c section, my fil (who is also a chiropractor) told me that you can't force anything. He said, "You know, the body is smart. It very well may be that the babies aren't turning because it would be unsafe to do so. Maybe the cords are too short. Maybe the placentas are unstable. Who knows." That gave me some peace. I had done everything I could, and my body, and the two little ones in there, weren't cooperating, and they could have a very darn good reason for being stubborn. They were born by scheduled c section, and were beautiful and healthy. I nursed them as soon as I was wheeled into the recovery room, less than a half hour after birth, and only was apart from them for about 10-15 minutes. They were with Daddy the whole time getting cleaned up while I was in the OR for those last few minutes. You aren't weird or wrong for what you feel. I was so scared to have surgery! Focus on happy thoughts, and be at peace knowing that your LO will be here soon. (((((Hugs))))

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I don't think there is any harm in meeting the doctor experienced with breech delivery. You may decide it's not for you, but then you will know you explored every option- that is a good thing!


I will say I am eternally grateful to the young resident who was chomping at the bit to do a section for calling in the CNm who delivered Ds. he had never been the primary doctor doing a section- I was going to be the first. Obviously, this concerned me, lol. But god bless him, he saw Ds was in no distress, and I was adamant to try, and he called a grouchy old CNm in in the middle of the night (she was a really mean old coot!) and by golly, Ds was born vaginally. Which broke my pelvis, because his head got stuck and the rest of him was hanging out.not what I'd planned, and a section would probably have been easier...except fast forward 4 years and we are living where they will not do vbacs, no exception, so second Ds was a breeze normal birth, not a repeat section, because that resident found a doc to deliver breech, and it saved me a second totally unnecessary surgery. After ds1 was born, I would say never attempt a breech delivery, but after ds2, my tune sure changed! All that to say, what happens, happens for a reason. You don't know now the reason- you can't. But I am confident that whatever happens, your baby turns, you deliver breech, you have a section- it will be the outcome it ought to be.



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I have had 3 c/s. My first was a true emergency at 28 weeks when my daughter was very close to being a stillbirth (biophysical profile score of 2) so they took her with no labor or anything. We couldn't even say she was healthy. She was alive though. ALIVE!!!! For my next child we just prayed for big, and he was 9#2oz! My philosophy that has resulted is this: it is not about me, it is about the baby. No regrets.


And that's fine, for your family. But for many people mom matters too. And as a c-section is not without risks itself it should be carefully considered. I'm NOT anti c-section. I've had one, and at the time I agreed because I believed it was the safest thing to do. (later found out I was misled....I agreed for non reassuring heart tones and no one told me that they went back up and we were both fine for a while before surgery...at that point they had called in the doctor from his dinner and he was doing the surgery no matter what). I would have one again if circumstances made it the safest choice. About 10% of the time it is. But just yesterday a woman died during her c-section, and left 6 children without a mother. I don't think that family feels the baby is all that matters.

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The problem with "all that matters is a healthy baby" is that it's patronizing.


When I say I wish to attempt a VBAC, or vaginally birth a breech baby, or choose a c-section, or a homebirth, or go to a chiropractor, please feel free to assume that the baby's well being is part of the equation. I am the baby's mother after all. I probably even care more about the baby than you do, but thanks for reminding me that I shouldn't kill him/her with my selfish choices.

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Its true that sometimes when people say to me, "Well all that matters is a healthy baby." I cringe. Like I don't know that. :) Honestly, for me a v birth is healthier for baby in most (NOT ALL) cases. That's just based on research I've done on my own. Darn these homeschool ways that make me research the heck out of every single thing. :) Thats just my opinion after research. I'm totally for a c-section rather than have someone not experienced in breech birth deliver my son. I think my OB is experienced in breech since he's been around for about 25-30 years, BUT if it's not something he wants to do I'm not going to push him to do it. After 25-30 years I'm comfortable with him doing a c-section as well. I just don't want a c-section.

I will say after reading a lot, a lot, a lot, of c-sections stories I feel a little better. I'm not giving up on flipping this baby and ultimately want the v birth, but I'm not quite as scared of the c-section.

I went to the chiropractor today and it was a good visit. He hasn't turned yet as I can still feel his head at the top, but he is wiggling and moving around a lot more. He seemed to like the attention this morning as well. LOL I go back Friday for another adjustment.

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I'm sorry. I had one emergency c/s and one because the doc didn't want me to go more than a week past due. I grieved the fact that the births were not what I planned. I hope the baby turns and you do get the experience that you want.

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I'm so glad the baby has turned, and I hope baby stays put!


Please please please do not consider a vaginal breech delivery outside of a hospital environment or with a homebirth midwife. When you read the homebirth horror stories, many many of them are connected with breech deliveries. Navelgazing Midwife (a middle-of-the-road homebirth blogger) has a post about it.

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I'm so glad the baby has turned, and I hope baby stays put!


Please please please do not consider a vaginal breech delivery outside of a hospital environment or with a homebirth midwife. When you read the homebirth horror stories, many many of them are connected with breech deliveries. Navelgazing Midwife (a middle-of-the-road homebirth blogger) has a post about it.



I would not consider a homebirth anyway (not that I don't fully support them!!) I just have too many risk factors.

After reading some stories I don't even know if I could consider a breech v birth. I think if they were more common I might, but Drs. today just aren't comfortable preforming them and I want my doc to be comfortable. Once again though, I have no problem with another mom deciding different. :)

He was still head down today and I am having some contractions tonight. Nothing major I actually just happened to notice them because they have sent me to the bathroom a few times. LOL

My next obstacle is the growth scan on Monday at 38w. At 34w he was measuring 6lbs already. I was worried, but then started looking at notes from my daughter's birth and realized they told me she would be over 8 pounds. The best part of her delivery was my OB's shocked expression and exclamation when they weighed her in at 7 pounds. Decided I'm not going to worry about what they say Monday and if my OB wants to worry I'll remind him of the last wrong scan. :)

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