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Has anyone used SL readers with various levels of MFW?


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Just wondering if anyone has tried pairing the readers from Sonlight with MFW as the core? I am trying to figure out how to match them up.


So far I have...

SL core A readers with MFW ECC

SL core B for younger and G for older readers with MFW CtoG

SL core C for younger and H for older readers with MFW RtoR

SL core D for younger and 100 for older with MFW EX1850

SL core E readers with MFW 1850toMOD


Does this look right?

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Core A though C readers are grades K through 4/5 options. They don't tie into the history. We use the readers alongside Biblioplan for First and secondd grade but most didn't tie in to history. Next year from core D on the readers do tie into the history and it will be great. Other than that I think it is a great plan, we love the SL readers.

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I'm considering doing the same.


For next year I'm planning Adventures with Core D and grade 2 readers. (One for 3rd grader, other for 1st.)


Then, my plan is the following:


ECC - Core F, grade 3

CtG - Core G, grade 4/5

RtR - Core H, Core F

EX1850 - Core 130, Core D

1850toMod - ??, Core E


I was also considering using the read aloud books for readers if it looked like the readers would be too easy when a child hit that level. So, for American history, we could add Core D read alouds?

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