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Science arrgg!

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I've been having an "issue" with science lately. I don't like Apologia. It doesn't excite me as a teacher to teach it and I've come to realize if I dislike it, my children will also. We've only completed General Science and I have no desire to move to the next level. I've thought about BJU, but from what I understand, it requires a teacher (not me at this point) and I'm not willing to rent a DVD for the same price that an online class would cost. I may as well fork over money for a real teacher who can actually grade my student's work. Here's what I've been considering. I need a plan. I really want to avoid evolution in the actual textbook. It will get taught, but I want to use other resources. I like the thought of Conceptual physics, but I also like having homeschool helps like the conceptual chemistry site and the Holt books have. How does this plan look?


7th - Holt Physical Science

8th - Shepherd Biology

9th - Conceptual Chemistry

10th - Saxon Physics (he will have completed Calculus by this time - I think - we'll adjust if not)

11th- college science

12th - college science (we have a college in high school option here)


I'm open to suggestions. Science has been my nemesis.



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Is the Holt Physical Science you have listed for Grade 7 the high school one? Is it this one?

Holt Physical Science with Earth and Space Science

The Earth and Space portion of this book is written from an old earth perspective. Just thought I'd let you know in case you weren't aware and it was something you wanted to avoid. :)


I don't have Conceptual Chemistry in front of me but if it has a chapter on nuclear chemistry, that chapter would most likely deal with dating techniques using radioisotopes - that would also assume an old earth.

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From my understanding Shepherd boi is an in-depth course. I would recommend chem prior to it. (I haven't actually used it, so this is based on just reading about it.) Also, why are you opting for conceptual courses for a strong math student? I personally think that is a mistake.



I don't know what else to do! I could switch the conceptual chemistry and have ds do that in 8th grade followed by the bio course. I really don't know what's out there. I am not good at making a bunch of books work into a cohesive program. It has always failed me somewhere in the second quarter. It seems like a year each of conceptual physics and conceptual chemistry would replace my physical science year (I know it would take two years, but he could do both by high school), but conceptual physics doesn't have an easy to figure out plan for homeschoolers. Frankly, the whole thing confuses me and I really don't know what to buy or how to schedule it - does it even have a DVD teacher component?


Is the Holt Physical Science you have listed for Grade 7 the high school one? Is it this one?

Holt Physical Science with Earth and Space Science

The Earth and Space portion of this book is written from an old earth perspective. Just thought I'd let you know in case you weren't aware and it was something you wanted to avoid. :)


I don't have Conceptual Chemistry in front of me but if it has a chapter on nuclear chemistry, that chapter would most likely deal with dating techniques using radioisotopes - that would also assume an old earth.



I would be using the 8th grade program which has some earth science in it, but I would just skip that section.



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Since you seem overwhelmed by options, how about something like this?


7th-- all 3 Plato middle school programs(very doable with time to spare!). This would cover life, physical, and earth/space if you went this route. Add in books on additional topics he might like if you want to. https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/plato-middle-science/?c=1


8th-- kinetic book's conceptual physics (not like Hewitt's. it contains more math. By enrolling in a single course with Kolbe Academy you get the lesson plans and can purchase the SM.)


9th--chemistry. Kolbe has plans w/ tests for PH Chemistry. Another option is Spectrum Chem.


10th-- shepherd bio

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Would any of the DIVE science courses be of help with a combined intro physics/chem?


and the syllabi options...



haven't used them, but it's a plan to look at????



I am loaning it from a friend to look at. It looks a little difficult. I have a math smart student, but not a motivated student to try to figure out stuff that is too difficult. He has the ability, but not the motivation at this point. I need to challenge him, but not over-do it.



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