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Dave Raymond's American History DVD?

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I know we all have different opinions on this board and I do respect that but personally, a book or video series that says that the Spanish were able to conquer the American Indians because of "their [the Spaniards'] superior world view" wouldn't stay long in my house. I guess the Babylonian worldview was superior to the Jewish one? The Maoist worldview superior to the Nationalist one? The Nazi worldview temporarily superior to the Dutch one? Or maybe Mr. Raymond is just trying to find reasons why the Christian world view is better? I AM a Christian - evangelical, btw, but I don't agree with his assessment of the situation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know we all have different opinions on this board and I do respect that but personally, a book or video series that says that the Spanish were able to conquer the American Indians because of "their [the Spaniards'] superior world view" wouldn't stay long in my house. I guess the Babylonian worldview was superior to the Jewish one? The Maoist worldview superior to the Nationalist one? The Nazi worldview temporarily superior to the Dutch one? Or maybe Mr. Raymond is just trying to find reasons why the Christian world view is better? I AM a Christian - evangelical, btw, but I don't agree with his assessment of the situation.


Have you viewed this course in its entirety? I'd love to hear from someone who's used it! :)


I wouldn't recognize these things you mention. Not at all. After floating through 10 schools and zero history in college, I'd be clueless about any bias. Well, unless its in your face obvious. ;)


Cathy Duffy just gave an interesting review of this course. ( Btw, I'm neutral to her opinion.) Anyway, I also was looking at this today, and it seems crazy good; engaging, states that the presentation of worldviews/ideas/people/actions is focused on developing critical thinking & comprehensive.

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  • 10 months later...
  • 2 years later...

It is very focused on religion and morality and the character of people in history. This is all from my daughter. She added, "If you just want a quick overview of history, it's a good thing." We have supplemented heavily with The Great Courses and Professor Carol's course on the history of the arts in America. If I had to do it over again, I would skip Dave Raymond and just study all our supplementary stuff more thoroughly. Dave Raymond is not a specialist in history.

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  • 4 years later...

We have used this curriculum this year and find that his information is very biased in favor of the south when discussing the civil war.  We like to investigate all perspectives in our homeschooling but this was very one sided emphasizing the strong Christian values of the southerners and highlighting their heroic deeds and barely touching on the northern generals.  He also really minimizes the weightiness of slavery and talks a lot about how it really wasn't so bad.  That the oppression of blacks really only began after the civil war was over as the southerners responded to the "sinister" radical republicans of the north.  I am happy to discuss differences of opinion and perspective with my kids, but I struggle with the unbalanced perspectives in his course.  

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