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Digital Scrapbooking Software?


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I'm looking for recommendations for easy-to-use scrapbooking software. I don't need anything cute or fancy, but I would like to be able to edit photos easily on the page and save everything as pdfs to be viewed on a tablet- I'm creating entirely digital scrapbooks, not something I'll print later. I also want it to be easy to add as much or as little text with a photo as I like- I don't need layouts or templates to work with besides the most basic. I'm not picky if it's not the cheapest thing out there if it does what I need it to do.



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I would recommend My Memories if you are making them purely for printing photo books only. They have a software and a website where you can buy tons of different designs, and I have heard that it is pretty simple to use. I personally use a professional version of Photoshop, but always recommend Photoshop Elements to those who want to do a little more editing of their pictures and stuff. There are tons of tutorials out there on how to use it, and it does quite a bit for the money.

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Photoshop is the gold standard of digital scrapbooking. If you think you will get serious with cutouts, artistic enhancements, brushes, and lots of filters, then Photoshop is the way to go. If, however, you plan to just put several photos on a page with a fancy frame around them, then it really doesn't matter which software you choose. They are all good for that.


If you are lucky enough to find an old version of Microsoft Digital Imaging 2006, then you have found a fabulous editor that allows for some very fancy artistic enhancements. But, sadly, it is not made anymore. I still use my old copy of this more than I use Photoshop because it does just what I need in much fewer keystrokes.

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Awesome. I'm not the OP, but this is perfect for ME ;). Thanks for posting the tutorial link.


I love Picasa scrapbooking because:

  • Picasa is free. You may already use it to organize the photos on your computer.
  • Picasa is super easy to use. No learning curve!
  • One of the hardest parts about scrapbooking for me is putting the photos in order and not missing one and then going back to put a photo in where it belongs. Picasa organizes everything neatly chronologically.
  • Like the above blog says, the pages get put together really quickly because the software is so simple. This is important to a busy mom who wants to do something else other than scrapbook!
  • The pages look really nice. I can pick out a custom background page color by pulling a color out of one of the photos. Or if I want to spend a little more time I can use the free scrapbook papers that are linked in the next post in the series: http://www.memoriesoncloverlane.com/2011/01/more-scrapbooking-with-picasa-using.html. I downloaded some of the free scrapbooking fonts as well.


Other scrapbooking programs can do things like add stickers (transparent add-ons). Picasa can't do that, but you can do most other things. I have always had a simple scrapbooking style so this fits me well. My motto is done is better than perfect.


I caught up 3 years and 3 kids last fall, and plan to catch up another 3 years later this year.

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