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My children currently take piano lessons but I'm looking to do a bit more in music history for the next school year. Music is a weak link for me. I'm wondering if there are any dvd's, age appropriate for a 7 y.o. on up, that tell the story of a specific composer and showcase their music. I prefer dvd's as I think it would stick better for one particular child. Even instant watch on Netflix would work. Thoughts, ideas? Thanks!

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These are CDs, but I think some of them have DVDs as well, but my kids loved loved loved Susan Hammond's Classical Kids series -- Beethoven Lives Upstairs, Mr. Bach Comes to Call, etc. They're really, really good, and I credit them with not only teaching *me* more about classical music, but with introducing my children to classical music, in a gentle way that helped the music stick. Biographical information mixed in with music and a storyline, plenty of voices, very much like listening to a play.


My kids also really like the Beethoven's Wig series of CDs.

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These are CDs, but I think some of them have DVDs as well, but my kids loved loved loved Susan Hammond's Classical Kids series -- Beethoven Lives Upstairs, Mr. Bach Comes to Call, etc. They're really, really good, and I credit them with not only teaching *me* more about classical music, but with introducing my children to classical music, in a gentle way that helped the music stick. Biographical information mixed in with music and a storyline, plenty of voices, very much like listening to a play.


My kids also really like the Beethoven's Wig series of CDs.


I was going to suggest these as well. My dd loved them at that age. There are also CDs we listened to in the car with similar stories.

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