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Where is the....?


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At what point does it move from comical to obnoxious that I'm the only person in this house that can find anything?


I was talking to some other parents at an egg hunt the other day, and we all laughed because the kids weren't seeing some of the eggs in really obvious places. If they can't find eggs with candy that they really want, maybe they aren't saying they can't find their shoes and coats just to annoys us, you know? But, unfortunately for me, the children aren't the only ones in my house that need my help to find things.


I wonder what would be an appropriate finder's fee to charge when it takes me 5 seconds to find something in a place someone else has torn apart 5 minutes earlier looking for an item. I'd request payment in jelly beans and peanut butter eggs, but I don't know if my clothes would still fit after a week of that!

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My husband tells me "you're a VERY good looker" in the tone that you would use talking to a two year old, after he finds something for me in 5 seconds. He is a VERY good finder. :lol:


I need to make a visual match in order to find something. So, if what I'm looking for looks different than what I'm visualizing, I just can't find it. It's weird, I know. Thankfully, I married a complement.


Now, if someone can explain how the children leave one shoe in the foyer and the other somehow ends up upstairs, under a bed...

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In my household, I'm the "go do" person to find anything. I've concluded everyone else here has "testosterone blindness". My youngest is always asking if I know where his keys and wallet are. I tell him the same thing every time, "did you put the keys in the key basket and why don't you put your things the same place every time so you know where they are?" He says, "because you always know where I put them". But the fact is, I have given up with him. I never know where his things are and he ALWAYS finds them on his own. I think he's just trying to make me crazy. Unfortunately his other brothers succeeded at that long before he came along :D

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I've concluded everyone else here has "testosterone blindness".



Ah, so that's what it is. The "where is?" that drives me crazy is always food-related. Where is the milk? Um, move the orange juice slightly to the left. We don't have room for everything to be front and center. Sometimes you have to actually look for stuff.


Before the days of smartphones, I was dh's address book. If he needed someone's phone number he'd just ask me.

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this I what goes on in my house. A couple of people in my house (both males, they are dh and ds) will call to me "Where is ?"


I will tell them exactly where it is ex. in the pantry, 2nd shelf up over the table on the extreme right. They will yell that they can't find it so I will stop what I am doing, go into the pantry to exactly where I said it was and say, "So what is this, is this what you are looking for?" Do they not even bother to hear where I told them it was or do they just not even bother to look?

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