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Help Using Miquon Math & Singapore Maths


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My dd has been following SM format since last year, and she seems to be thriving on it. I supplement with Miquon math, encouraging her to use the Cusineaire rods and the exercise sheets. So far she has taken well to both approach and to using both books.


However, I see that Miquon & SM don't neatly align topic-by-topic. For example, we finish multiplication & SM jumps into division whereas Miquon (orange book) has a series of other topics before going into divisons.


This brings up the question which scoop & sequence should i follow?

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I would follow SM sequence and use Miquon to keep the mind fresh on topics already covered, and give glimpses into new topics so that when they come up in SM, the child already has a "hook" to hang them on, so to speak. I think this is how most people tend to do.


You could also pull apart Miquon and use the appropriate pages to introduce a SM topic, then go in depth with SM after introduction with Miquon.

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We don't really have a set plan. I roughly alternated between the two for a while, like a couple of lessons from one, a couple from the other, and it's okay if my son hits something first in one, without hitting it for a while in the other. Then he hit a spot where he wanted to keep going with one instead of the other, mainly because we got close to the end of a book from each, and he wanted to finish each book, so we stuck with one for a few weeks, finished it, and then finished the other a few weeks later. Currently, he's finished the first four Miquon books and has asked to finish the Singapore 2B book before he does any more Miquon. When we start Singapore 3A, we'll probably go back to alternating between the two.

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You CAN line them up! Join the Miquon Yahoo Group, and you can print out a chart that shows what to use when, lining up with SM!!



Thank you for the link. What if some of the subjects in SM stretches into several books in Miquon? Do you do all the different Miquon books?


i.e. numbers to 100 stretches into Orange, Blue & Green book in Miquon.


I would follow SM sequence and use Miquon to keep the mind fresh on topics already covered, and give glimpses into new topics so that when they come up in SM, the child already has a "hook" to hang them on, so to speak. I think this is how most people tend to do.



How do mean that you can give 'glimpses' into new topics with Miquon?

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I usually had/have at least two Miquon books on the go with each of my dds because they liked to forge ahead in some topics. That's how they would get glimpses of new topics coming up in SM.


I pulled anywhere from 6 - 12 sheets from the workbook and put it in a folder for them to choose from for that day. If they completed a worksheet and begged for more like it, I'd find something similar and give it to them. They didn't know if it was from the Orange or Red book -- it was just the next worksheet on a topic that they loved.

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To use Miquon to give glimpses, just go through it at the same time as SM, but don't line it up. Then, for example if you are doing Orange along with 1a, you will come across the idea of multiplication much earlier in Miquon. The way I treated this was to explain multiplication, use the rods to experiment with it, and went through the worksheets. Whnen we get to it with SM, I will try to use the "lab work" we've already done in Miquon to cement the concept, then memorize facts and talk about application. Same thing with fractions- they come up much sooner in Miquon than SM.

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