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Strep, 2 stomach bugs, and a cold in 2 weeks!


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The first stomach virus hit almost everyone. The strep was limited to one person, thankfully. Cold, 2 of us. And now we're waiting to see how many of us will get the second stomach bug.


And my youngest has broken blood vessels from the neck up from dry heaving.


I think I've had enough.


But I'm glad these things get better.


That's all.

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Thanks for the support. It's nice to know we're not the only ones.


Warning! A little TMI:


Okay, it's coming out of the nose and mouth. And no pee today yet. She won't take the zofran we have from her last bout because she thinks it will make her worse. She must have associations of it with the last bug.


I REALLY don't want to end up in the ER for fluids. Nothing is staying down.

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