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eBook:Mathematics Pre-Service Teachers Should Know


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Hi everyone,


I wanted to recommend a book that Arcadia linked in her post about long division:



The link is here:



It discusses how math education within the US can be improved, especially the training teachers receive prior to starting their job (hence 'pre-service').


The first chapter discusses the increased importance of Math in education, compares the US methods to other countries (breadth of topics, precision of problems) and has some interesting quotes which I will pull out.


The other chapters are meaty. They take core topics, e.g. fractions, and point out common misconceptions/gotchas and how to precisely define problems, as well as link them to other topics (decimals). There are also copious examples from Russian Math (UCSMP) and Singaporean Math.


All in all, it's a long read, not meant for one sitting but I think it could a useful guide to pull out prior to teaching a new topic. Thanks for the reference, Arcadia!

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Thanks for this! Very timely, as I'm considering becoming a math teacher when I graduate next spring.

Thanks for this resource.


EDIT: Whoa! 500+ pages, huh? Not really an article, then, huh? But I still want to read it. Guess I'll download it and work on it until graduation...

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EDIT: Whoa! 500+ pages, huh? Not really an article, then, huh? But I still want to read it. Guess I'll download it and work on it until graduation...


Another interesting one for you. It is a 122 page PDF and discuss the training issues of future math teachers. It also gives a quick summary of the math wars on page 9.

"No common denominator

The Preparation of Elementary Teachers in Mathematics by America's Education Schools"




These are interesting for future teachers too.

"Making the Grade: Fractions in Your Schools"


"Knowing Mathematics: What We Can Learn from Teachers"


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Thank you -- I will look at these. I used to be a member of NCTM, but it was just too expensive (considering I was 'just' a parent). So your links will allow me to browse math teaching again.


I attended a NCTM national convention when I first started teaching. It was pretty neat. You may find that your state branches of NCTM are cheaper & their conventions may be possibilities....

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EDIT: Whoa! 500+ pages, huh? Not really an article, then, huh? But I still want to read it. Guess I'll download it and work on it until graduation...


:blushing: My bad, apparently I can't distinguish between forms of the written word.. I'll edit the post title. Sorry about that!


To be honest though, I treat web documents all the same - download them onto my eReader, read as many pages as time permits (or until my head starts hurting), come back when I next have free time.. but yup, this one is going to take months if not years to finish.

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