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What should my 6th grader be doing next year?

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My oldest will be in 6th in the fall and I'm trying to think through his course work to get him ready for middle school work. Right now the plan is






IEW (hoping to do through a co op)






I'm trying to nail down an art class well. What else do we need? Literature and foreign language, right? Anything else?


What do need to do to prep him for harder work? I was thinking about doing a full blown co op but I'm leaning more toward online classes for science for junior high.


Any great science courses that will help get ready for harder science?



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Our sixth grader will do Latin and possibly a modern language as well. She'll also do Logic (Art of Argument, probably). She'll continue working through our typing program, and then she'll practice by doing computer work. She'll also have something that counts as health/safety, and something that counts as fire safety, both required by our state. Oh, and something related to state history, another required subject.


We're going to try Mr. Q's Chemistry next year with our third and sixth graders; it looks like the subject matter is pretty meaty, even if the follow-up materials might be a little easy.

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We are doing a second year of grade 6 with my daughter (dyslexic and a late birthday; language arts are very difficult for her). This is her (tentative) line up:


Math: finish up prealgebra, move into Jacob's Algebra

Literature: Mosdos

Spelling: Apples and Pears C

Writing: IEW SWI A

Grammar: FLL 3

Latin: First Form Latin

Italian: DuoLingo

Art: A Child's History of Art, Architecture

Science: Rosie's plan (lol) for a year of Astronomy and Physics (using Newton at the Center as our spine)

History: Light to the Nations volume 1

Religion: CCD, various extra resources (My Jewish Friend, My Muslim Friend, memorization, etc), Bible History


Ballet, Church Youth Group, CCD

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