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Stomach virus-but only vomit once or twice??


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On Friday night, DD1.5 threw up once in her crib and then once more the next afternoon. She was running a low grade fever on Monday and Tuesday. She has also had pretty bad diarrhea since then and has a nasty diaper rash.


Then Monday evening DS5.5 said he didn't feel well and he threw up one time in the evening and ran a low fever for two days. No more vomit from him or diarrhea.


Now this evening DS3.5 threw up. He's in bed know so I don't know if there will be more or not.


The way that this has hit all three a couple days apart makes me think that it is a virus. But don't viruses usually involve lots and lots of vomiting? Seems like that is the way they always are for me. This just seems sort of odd. I can't imagine it is something they ate. Any thoughts??


ETA: all three have slight cough, but none of them vomited because of coughing.

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I had a really short stomach bug last week, three vomits in about 6 hours then bad stools, then weakness and all food/drinks tasting disgusting for about 20 hours. It cleared super fast and seems to be going around the way you describe.

My kids have all had this short, less than 24 hour, stomach bug!!


That is good to know! And to be clear, I am NOT complaining :-) just seemed odd.

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I was thinking of asking something very similar!


In our house, Ds 7 ran low grade fever off and on all weekend. Played, ate fine, only felt lousy when temp was up.


Ds 5 vomited yesterday after school, took 2 hour nap, no temp, but bad headache. This morning, temp was 100.2. After Ibuprofen kicked in, played, ate, laughed, ran around acting normal all day. Thought we were all clear, and then felt warm tonight at bedtime and was 100.2 again. No complaints at all.


I'm confused too. I thought he had a stomach virus and expected him to be sick to his stomach/vomit for the next 12-24 hours and we would be done. But he's keeping everything down today and acting normal, despite this bedtime temp.


Must be some strange virus going around.

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I was thinking of asking something very similar!


In our house, Ds 7 ran low grade fever off and on all weekend. Played, ate fine, only felt lousy when temp was up.


Ds 5 vomited yesterday after school, took 2 hour nap, no temp, but bad headache. This morning, temp was 100.2. After Ibuprofen kicked in, played, ate, laughed, ran around acting normal all day. Thought we were all clear, and then felt warm tonight at bedtime and was 100.2 again. No complaints at all.


I'm confused too. I thought he had a stomach virus and expected him to be sick to his stomach/vomit for the next 12-24 hours and we would be done. But he's keeping everything down today and acting normal, despite this bedtime temp.


Must be some strange virus going around.



This sounds very similar to my kids. They are fine, then not, then fine again. It seem the viruses just get weirder and weirder.

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Well, Monday night I started feeling a little queasy. Then yesterday it increased with a lot of indigestion until I vomited in the late afternoon. One more time I had dry heaves. And a huge headache. No fever. Then today, back mostly to normal with little appetite until supper, just very tired and kind of wobbly legs. Stomach still a bit squirrelly, but nothing like yesterday. I was blaming this on adding magnesium vitamins, but had come to the conclusion that it must have been a quick bug. This helps confirm it.

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My 20-month-old ran a slight fever all day Saturday, and he threw up once. Sunday, he was fine.


My oldest son tends to feel lousy for a day when he has any kind of virus, stomach or otherwise, and he sleeps pretty much straight for about 24 hours. The next day, he's 95% normal (maybe a bit sniffly). It's just the way his body works.


Last spring, several of us got a stomach virus. I think I threw up once, though I felt weak for a few days. My big kids threw up a few times in a couple of days. My then-baby threw up a couple of times in a couple of days, and then he continued to throw up about once a day for a week or so (thankfully, he was exclusively breastfed at that point, so it wasn't too gross, and dehydration wasn't a concern). Everyone processes viruses differently.

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Also, in the "viruses are weird" category, I think each of my kids (three of them, at least) had a day this winter, all about a week or so apart, where they felt lousy for a day -- low-grade fever, generally feeling crummy. No vomiting or diarrhea, no cold/cough/sniffles, just feeling lousy. And that was it.


We've had stomach bugs where some of us vomited, and some of us had diarrhea. Viruses are definitely odd.

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