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"How were the kids today, dear?" "Oh, pretty typical."

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I second M's question. Which one of those darlings is more like you...the reader or the warrior?


. . . Isaac is all me on the inside, all Stephen on the out. He reads, he thinks, he argues just like me; but he's very athletic, and looks almost identical to Stephen.


Theo . . . Ah, Theo. I think he's more my fault than Stephen's. He looks like a cross between my dad and Stephen, and he's got my Grandma Jackie's personality. (I've mentioned Grandma Jackie here before.) Incredibly stubborn, highly social, and very stubborn. And pretty stubborn, to boot.


Our ped asked us a couple months ago, "Does he have object permanence yet? Like, if you take a toy away from him, will he keep looking for it?"


We all snorted with laughter. :lol:

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I'm voting for that being the profile picture:lol::lol:

I quess you plan on keeping your running shoes on for the next 15 years with that one, huh?:D


By the time he graduates high school, one of the two of us will be in it. I don't know whether it'll be him or me.



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