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Would you pray for me please....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update 4/28/08....Great news!


I wanted to let you all know that your prayers have been answered. My dh accepted a job offer in Indianapolis. It is a little different from what he is currently doing and with a much larger company than he is used to working for but he is looking forward to the challenge. We are so thankful for God's provision for our family. His current job will end mid-May.


It will be a big change to be moving from a town of 5000 people and 2 stop lights to Indy so we are all a bit nervous but also excited. It will be closer to family in PA and we will be able to visit old friends from our time in IL. Dh is traveling for the next 2 weeks so we will have to wait until he gets back to list our house. Time to declutter!


My rash has eased up considerably. If nothing new develops I should be on my way to the gradual end of this cycle. Please pray that the end of the cycle is near so that I can sleep well and focus on all that needs to be done with a cross-country move. We have moved several times in the past few years and each one involved dh moving 3 months prior while I waited for our house to sell. Would you pray that our house sells soon so that we can be togther as a family. I know we are in a tough housing market but I am trusting God to work in this situation.


THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your faithful prayers on behalf of our family. GOD is GOOD!





I need prayers to get me through this difficult time. I have a weird autoimmune disorder that manifests itself in a rash every 6 years.

Our family also needs prayer because dh found out last week that the company he works for is being bought out and the new buyer has no plans to hire any of the employees of dh’s company.

I would greatly appreciate your prayers. Thank you so much.

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Congratulations! At least you are moving a tad further south! And I see from the HSLDA site that you will have to keep attendance records and do 180 days a year, but nothing else, so that doesn't sound too bad. I'm glad DH has a job, and I will definitely pray that he doesn't have to go ahead of you and leave you to all of the house-selling stuff. At least this is coming at a good time of year for the housing market (spring).


This is definitely a step forward. I will pray that God continues to lead you one step at a time. And I will pray for the right place for you in IN so that you won't have to do a lot of city driving.


Blessings to you!

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Thanks. Will email soon. It's been a wild week. About being further south...yes that will be a welcome change especially after we had another winter storm on Fri/Sat. We had one about two weeks ago where we lost power etc and I thought *THAT* was the last of the season! There's just something wrong when it is the end of April and you have temps in the high teens and 8 inches of snow.


Take care.


Congratulations! At least you are moving a tad further south! And I see from the HSLDA site that you will have to keep attendance records and do 180 days a year, but nothing else, so that doesn't sound too bad. I'm glad DH has a job, and I will definitely pray that he doesn't have to go ahead of you and leave you to all of the house-selling stuff. At least this is coming at a good time of year for the housing market (spring).


This is definitely a step forward. I will pray that God continues to lead you one step at a time. And I will pray for the right place for you in IN so that you won't have to do a lot of city driving.


Blessings to you!

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