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Teens' Spiritual Lives

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I think it's horribly sad that our world has come to this!!! That the "idols" of the kids nowadays are these types of people! This is certainly NOT what God had in mind in the beginning! This is what the choices against God lead to, imo.


I plan to devote more time to praying for my children and others!

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Our youth group does not have many teens. Once they hit high school, they are too busy with homework, dating and eventually driving to attend any more. There isn't much unity amongst the kids. I am not one to have a problem with youth groups per se...in fact, I would like for my oldest ds especially to have more Christian friends and activities!


But, my second oldest very much "on fire for God" dd says that is just the problem...most of the kids don't seem to truly be *Christians*, although they are considered such since they attend church (some only a couple times per year) and come from "good homes". What bugs my dd is that they also act all snooty and/or competitive, are way over the top when it comes to early dating, lap sitting and smooching, etc. and don't seem to ahve much, if any interest in spiritual matters.


That's not everyone of course.


I just feel sad and scared sometimes when I think about what is means to be a "Christian teen." :confused:

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But, my second oldest very much "on fire for God" dd says that is just the problem...most of the kids don't seem to truly be *Christians*, although they are considered such since they attend church (some only a couple times per year) and come from "good homes".


I think you have a very wise dd. :) That is exactly what I was going to say. Being a Christian is not something you just decide to do, like you decide to be in a club or something. Jesus tells us that you must be born again. Without that first supernatural step from God Himself, nothing else is going to save you. Going to church definitely does not make you a Christian, and neither does being in a Christian family.

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I found this on this website about the Protestant Reformation when doing research for school. http://www.historyguide.org/earlymod/lecture3c.html



Young people have lost that deference to their elders on which the social order depends; they reject all correction. Sexual offenses, rapes, adulteries, incests and seductions are more common than ever before. How monstrous that the world should have been overthrown by such dense clouds for the last three or four centuries, so that it could not see clearly how to obey Christ's commandment to love our enemies. Everything is in shameful confusion; everywhere I see only cruelty, plots, frauds, violence, injustice, shamelessness while the poor groan under the oppression and the innocent are arrogantly and outrageously harassed. God must be asleep. (John Calvin)


While I am truly concerned for our youth today, DD will be 14, it is not a new problem. I don't believe there are any easy answers. God gives us our children to raise and protect and that must be our first priority...parental involvement.

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While I am truly concerned for our youth today, DD will be 14, it is not a new problem. I don't believe there are any easy answers. God gives us our children to raise and protect and that must be our first priority...parental involvement.


I agree, especially the bit about parental involvement to which I include parents demonstrating their faith to their children.

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well the problem is in her title. No one wants to talk about holiness, let alone live it. And the letter from the mother just kind of cracked me up. I'm going to take a wild guess that the concert they went to was not a christian artist, and is the type of artist that her daughter probably shouldn't be listening to in the first place!


I think a huge part of the problem is the word 'believe' that the church is using. Just believe in Jesus and you'll be ok. Well, that's not what the Bible's version of the word means. It isn't a passive belief in an historical event. It means to be a disciple. Following the rabbi. Being just like Jesus. People don't want to do that. That would mean giving up on their selfish wants.


If Jesus had hundreds of people walk away from him at one time, why do we think that following him should be a cakewalk? And people are so proud, they don't even want to consider that maybe they are not doing all they should do. If Paul was constantly checking himself to make sure he was still in the race, should we do no less? But if you even hint to someone that maybe the are like this - "Ephesians 4- 17So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more." they would be so angry with you, instead of being humble enough to say 'well maybe I do have spots I really need to work on.'


You have a majority of christians watching shows like Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy. What happened to the verses about not setting anything evil in front of our eyes or having nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness??????? Where is the church in talking about that?? No one wants to talk about really and truly counting the cost.


Not to mention that the church is pretty silent on the things that God does want us to do, like enacting Justice and defending the poor. We think it's perfectly fine to go blow $10 a pop at a movie theatre every week. What would happen if the church collectively rose up and said NO MORE! We are done paying for the depravity of Hollywood and inviting their sin into our homes. Instead, we are going to take all of that money that we throw away on movie tickets, and we are going to help fund groups like IJM or, we are going to provide clean drinking water for Africa, or we are going to send our teens on real mission trips building houses for people. If christians really rose up to the call God has for them, this world could truly be different.


But most churches won't teach that and most people truly do not get the awesomeness of the plan God has for them if only they would truly devote their lives to him, and HIS WILL be done, not ours.



The problem is not the spiritual lives of teens. The problem is the apathy and selfishness of the majority of the American church.

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