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Looking for book recommendations - Fancy dresses


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DD loves fancy dresses. She loves coloring books with fancy dresses, paper dolls, illustrations in picture books. You name it - if there's a fancy dress in it she's in heaven. So I'm looking for books that have lots of pictures of dresses. It can be non-fiction or fiction with illustrations. Even non-fiction for adults is okay because she'll just enjoy looking at the images and trying to draw them herself. She likes historical dresses and fantasy so it doesn't have to be from a specific period.



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Seconding the idea of Dover's coloring &/or paper doll books; in addition, Dover carries books like Fashions and Costumes from Godey's Lady's Book (which is not a coloring book, but dd used it that way). They have many that would fit what you're dd is looking for.


Also, I picked up a set of books for dd years ago through bookcloseouts.com -- these are fabulous too:

Clothes of the Ancient World

Clothes of the Medieval World

Clothes of the Early Modern World

Clothes of the Modern World

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