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x/p We are going to use TOG year 1, unit 4 for our last quarter! Some questions...


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I'm very excited. I bought Year 1, Unit 4 to finish up our school year. We've been doing history the WTM way, which I still LOVE and plan to use in a lot of ways, but I have felt drawn to TOG for years and thought this quarter would be a great time to try it out. I am excited about having bible included, great plans with lots of book choices, and most important, teacher notes (which I desperately need!!).


I am looking through the unit and like what I see. My current 7th grader, Anna, will get the most use of TOG for now (dialectic level). My 4th grader is using SOTW and doing well, and my 1st grader just goes with the flow. :D We will all do bible together, as a family, every morning.


Now my questions: I'd like to give Anna copies of the reading assignments and discussion questions for the week. I ordered the print and DE version. For a child that age, do you TOG users recommend I just print the questions in the guide and hand it to her? Do you require that the student write out their answers or just be ready for discussion with you? Speaking of discussion, how many times a week do you "meet up" with your student for discussion? Do you break the readings down day by day or give the student a weekly plan and have them break it down themselves? I think she would do perfectly well breaking it down herself because she does that with a lot of her subjects already. Lastly, does anyone know where I can find blank lesson plans geared toward TOG? Something that perhaps other TOG users have made? Hope that makes sense.


Have I mentioned how excited I am??



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For a child that age, do you TOG users recommend I just print the questions in the guide and hand it to her? Do you require that the student write out their answers or just be ready for discussion with you? I copy and paste the accountability questions I want answered in written form into a word document with spaces for answers. That goes in my DD's notebook along with her mapaids and timeline pages. I also print the thinking questions out but as a list to prepare for discussions.


Speaking of discussion, how many times a week do you "meet up" with your student for discussion? Once a week.


Do you break the readings down day by day or give the student a weekly plan and have them break it down themselves? No, I leave this up to DD.

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It really depends on the child. My son works fine with a weekly list and the SAPS to complete. What I did start doing, however was having him read the SAPS aloud at the beginning of the week. Then when he starts his history I have him look over them so they are fresh in his mind as he reads and then answer what he can right away. I had to make this mandatory bc, otherwise, he waits until the end of the week to do them and has to redo all his reading. I have him do key word answers to the AQs and to think about the TQS. Occasionally, I do assign a TQ to be answered in paragraph form.


I generally meet with him once a week. My preference is lit on one day and history on another.

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My ds does an online class with TOG and meets up once a week with them. I've found that his teacher really scales down the amount of questions that the class answers. i will take the document she gives the class and also add spaces for him to write his answers. He is supposed to do the timeline (there are timeline figures available on the year specific TOG yahoo groups) and the maps. I let him figure out what he needs to do each day. We also do the literature at home. I do discussion on the books with him about half the time.



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