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American History curriculum appropriate for middle AND high school?

Sue G in PA

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Hi everyone. I'm planning the American History course for our co-op's middle and high schoolers for next year. I would like to use the SAME program for 6th-12th to keep costs down for our parents who have children in both grade levels (like myself!). I realize that there will have to be some tweaking involved to accommodate the needs of all but would like to have a "spine". I thought of using All American History and tweaking "up" for the high schoolers but I used this curriculum this past year and my children didn't really enjoy it very much. Neither did I. :/ We have looked at Notgrass and I love America the Beautiful for Middle but fear it would be too hard to tweak to make it credit worthy for high school. Does anyone have any suggestions for a program/curriculum that might fit this need? Thanks!

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What are you looking for in a history class?


I think I would go in the direction of Mysteries In History, since it requires student co-operation and logical thinking skills. I'd bump it up for the high schoolers with more required reading of primary sources (through Library of Congress and various free sites), and perhaps a Jackdaw. Middle schoolers would rely more on research with secondary sources and documentaries. Many times the activities are set up so that groups of students could each do smaller bits of research and come together to share notes. The only problem is, it doesn't go chronologically and within a short time span. I think the American history book goes from the 1400s to the Kennedy assassination.

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Sue, Did you decide what you'll be using for your co-op class? I am considering teaching American History in our co-op and am looking at either the Notgrass American History or Bill Bennett's The Last Best Hope books. I'd love to find out what you are doing. We meet weekly for 3 hours but I'm not sure what I'll be doing with all that time.



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Gretchen, we decided to use Notgrass America the Beautiful with the middle schoolers. The children are only required to purchase the Maps and Timeline book but encouraged to purchase the whole curriculum. I'm not sure how this will work with some students having the book and some not, but I suppose the ones who don't can simply follow the Table of Contents and research the info. in another source. :/ High school will be using Notgrass Exploring America. We just couldn't find an appropriate spine to fit both middle and high that was cost effective. As for filling 3 hours...I don't know. Our classes are only 1 1/2 hours tops. We are trying to make it more project based, using activities that are more group oriented. I'll be teaching the 3rd-5th American History using A Child's History of America as our spine (can I just tell you how much I hate that book? Talk about bias. Wow). I'm researching alternatives b/c many families are not happy with it. :( Thanks, everyone, for your recommendations, btw. I am looking into Hakim's more concise 4 vol. set as well.

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