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American Revolution activities?


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I've been looking online, haven't had much success, so thought I should ask here. Anyone have any ideas for activities/crafts for the Am Revolution time period? I'd really like to add something fun.




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And if you have it in your vacation budget, a trip to Colonial Williamsburg and vicinity and/or Philadelphia is absolutely fantastic! Of course, it's also expensive. But if you vacation anyways, and want to combine that with school, it can work well.

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We're actually studying the same time period, so I kept digging a bit longer and found this web site.



You can select from a number of time periods including the Amer Revolution. There are a number of short videos (http://havefunwithhistory.com/movies/index.html) as well as links to a few games/activities (http://havefunwithhistory.com/activities/index.html) - at least a couple of the games seem connected w the Amer Revolution

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My DS7 is a Revolutionary War fanatic. We are taking a full eight weeks on the Revolutionary War, and are using Liberty's Kids (on YouTube), Evan Moor's History Pockets: The American Revolution (http://www.amazon.com/History-Pockets-Evan-Moor-Educational-Publishers/dp/1596732601) and The American Revolution for Kids: A History with 21 Activities (http://www.amazon.com/American-Revolution-Kids-History-Activities/dp/1556524560/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1362285046&sr=1-1&keywords=the+american+revolution+for+kids+21+activities).

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Not sure what age your dc are.


My ds will be doing the following.


Map work: Pin pointing locations of various battles and color coded according to which side was victorious. Attach information about each battle. (date, name of battle, location, and casualties, generals involved, etc) <----- This part is to help him work on his research skills.


Writing: Short bios of important people. Maybe one longer on on a person of his choice.


Also, ds will probably make a scrapbook of the historical flags of the time.

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We really enjoyed the game Made For Trade. :)


For homemade ideas, we rewrote the Declaration of Independence, wrote a response from King George, gave the kids money and taxed everything that would have been taxed and made them buy it to do schoolwork, eat lunch, etc., we made stick figures of Paul Revere and Israel Bissell and as we read both books, we moved the stick figures down a giant map, we watched battles on animatedhistory.com, and became British and defended Benedict Arnold. Oh, and we mimicked the famous painting of Washington crossing the Deleware and as I shook the baby bathtub, er, boat, we got to see how untrue it really was.

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