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Bad Karma: Anybody else back into a bike yesterday?


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After reading the bike thread yesterday, I was newly inspired to do a walk-around my car before backing up. That thought lasted about as long as it took me to grab my keys, head out to the garage, start the car, and "whack!" - my side view mirror hit the handlebar of my son's bike. Thank goodness it was next to my car and not behind it! 17yo ds had needed air in his bike tires. Dh keeps the air compressor under his tool bench which is on the far side of my car. There's *just* enough room between my car and the tool bench to squeeze a bike, and for some reason ds decided to bring the bike to the compressor, instead of the compressor to the bike. And he left it there. Without doing a walk-around, there's no way I could have seen the bike on the far side of my car.


Luckily there was no damage to either conveyance. But I felt like such an idiot and am AGAIN inspired to do a walk-around (oh, and I've mentioned to ds that it's not a good place for his bike....)

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Thankfully, no!


But the bike thread did inspire me to be more cautious backing out. I really wish I had one of those cameras on the back of the vehicle.



My car has one of those. I think it actually makes me less aware of my surroundings, because I am fixated on the camera view. I've really had to train myself to glance around at all the mirrors in addition to the camera (which is how I saw the handlebars looming in the side view mirror just as I heard the thwack)

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My car has one of those. I think it actually makes me less aware of my surroundings, because I am fixated on the camera view. I've really had to train myself to glance around at all the mirrors in addition to the camera (which is how I saw the handlebars looming in the side view mirror just as I heard the thwack)



Yikes! I guess nothing replaces extreme caution every time we're behind the wheel.

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I must admit I made a point to park where I'd have to walk around the back when I picked up my kids at school yesterday. Even though I knew there was about 0% chance of anything or anyone being there when I drove away 5 minutes later. ;)


I'm one of those people who gets humbled by God every time I dare to think I might have done something better than someone else.

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The folks I live with have those cameras. I guess it's a good thing, considering at least one of them NEVER looks behind her. She'll say "I can't turn my head that far." Well, so, maybe you shouldn't be driving!


I never trusted her to not run over my kids. When she's backing out (or driving up), my kids are not allowed anywhere near the driveway. People may think I'm weird about it considering my kids' age, but they haven't seen my friend drive. :/

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