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Thinkwell AP Biology

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The Thinkwell website isn't clear about a chem prerequisite for this course but I imagine an AP level Biology (I realize it is not AP approved) would require chemistry.


My ds has done biology in a co-op with the Miller-Levine text. I was thinking of having him do the Thinkwell next year and attempting to sit for the AP exam. He will be taking chemistry at the same time.


He'll be a 10th grader next year but for vaious reasons has more room in his 10th grade schedule for this course than he will in 11th. I think he has the time to handle both classes. I'm just concerned that he will lack necessary chemistry knowledge for the AP bio. My husband is good with chemistry and was certified to teach it at one time.


So, Thinkwell biology concurrently with chemistry? Is this doable or a bad idea?

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We really liked Thinkwell AP biology. If your son is a fast learner, it seems to me that it would be doable. Normally I would advise against the idea if he was taking a traditional course with a set schedule with an instructor or if you had no way to help him with chemistry. But you are determining the pace with Thinkwell and you have a good in house resource to help. One option might be to start early or to allow a little extra time and you can adapt as needed. The chemistry section is chapter 2 so your husband could take a look at see what's covered. http://www.thinkwell.com/student/product/biology#tableOfContents Maybe you can supplement this section a bit and work with him to make sure he's really got it down before moving on and also make sure he's got a good chemistry textbook available to supplement as well.


Hope that helps.

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Not a bio expert by any means :) but in taking a look at the new AP Bio syllabus, I'd say that some chem background certainly wouldn't hurt (although they seem to require much less memorization of molecular structures than I remember from a number of years ago). I think with some chem under his belt first, much of the biochemistry in the course would make more sense intuitively and wouldn't require so much memorization - KWIM? I think that concurrent AP Bio and chem (is he taking Reg Chem or Hon Chem?) is doable by a very motivated and bright student but a deeper understanding of the biochemistry in the AP Bio course will be limited.


This is from the College Board website:


What are the prerequisites for student enrollment in AP Biology?

Schools vary in their course prerequisites. Most consider Biology I a prerequisite, though some highly selective schools teach AP as the first and only biology course for their gifted sophomores. Completion of, or at least concurrent enrollment in, chemistry is a common requirement; many schools feel this ensures a certain level of maturity and helps biology students during biochemistry sections.


Some schools require students to complete the three first-year science courses (biology, chemistry, and physics) before enrolling in an AP science class. Their aim is to ensure basic competence before specialization. Prior knowledge and skills are described in the College Board Standards for College Success™ and in the AP Vertical Teams® Guide for Science.


This is from the AP Student College Board website on their AP Biology page:


Recommended course preparation

Successful completion of a high school laboratory science course

Successful completion of at least one year of algebra


Hope that helps!

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I'm teaching biology right now (planning on the boys taking the AP test, but didn't get syllabus approved) for our little high school co-op. The boys have taken BJU's physical science last year (and BJU's life science the year before that) as their preparation. BJU's physical science is a good, solid course, and they have seemed to have no problem with the chemistry/biochemistry part of AP biology. I guess we'll see after the test though, LOL.

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