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Picture vocab cards (for foreign language)


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I want to supplement our spoken 2nd language with picture cards. I don't want to use word-word translation, but show, say, a picture of an elephant or a picture of a locomotive while practicing the word.


Do you know of any good source for printable picture cards for this? If it is well assembled, in any language, I'd be happy to pay for it and write in my (German) words.


I may assemble this myself if it doesn't exist.


I don't want "Learn 50 words" or something like that. I imagine more like 1000 that we'd use over two years. If I could print all the Usbourne 1000 word images, that'd be a great start!




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We were gifted the game Hedbandz (sigh) but with a little masking tape and a marker we translated some of the cards to Spanish and have been using it as a teaching tool. There are no verbs (Rory's Story cubes - actions is what we are using for verbs) but perhaps it would be a place to start.

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We are ding something similar and I am using the Usborne First Thousand Words book as a base. I also ordered the first thousand word sticker books and have used the stickers for many purposes and games. I created picture game cards and Bingo cards for themed vocabulary. We play memory, pictionary, charades, Bingo, Go Fish. It has been a lot of fun. I blogged about it here. There is an "overview" you can download and it has all the links to the printable game cards.



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