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setting up an "online" planner/resource page for a child to use

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You can use google drive - you can make your own assignment sheets (including links) as a document or spreadsheet. Share it with your son and then he can see it. You can also use it as a place where he can save his work. He can share his completed assignments with you and then you can check them without having to print anything.


If you use something like HST, you can save your schedule as a .pdf (I think) then upload it to google drive.


You will both need gmail addresses for this to work.

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Thank you, everyone!


I am a programmer so I set one up for my son without any outside "help". But I'm sure you could do one using a basic blog (blogger, Wordpress), etc. If you wanted to have a new set of work show up every day, just write out 1 days work per article then have each article set to publish on the correct day in the future.



Okay, this seems doable. I "have" a basic blog but haven't begun working with it yet.


You can use google drive - you can make your own assignment sheets (including links) as a document or spreadsheet. Share it with your son and then he can see it. You can also use it as a place where he can save his work. He can share his completed assignments with you and then you can check them without having to print anything.


If you use something like HST, you can save your schedule as a .pdf (I think) then upload it to google drive.

You will both need gmail addresses for this to work.



Thanks: we do both have gmail addresses already, and I use Drive for some simple record-keeping already. AND I'd like to get my HST going for next year. This may be the fastest way to get us going...


I always thought that this was an interesting way to do it: http://quarksandquir...ology-hs-level/



That link is inspiring -- AND it's a rigorous middle school biology course to boot; am bookmarking that ...


Great idea. Have you looked at Evernote? http://evernote.com/ It has a lot of capabilities. I keep telling myself I'm going to make the time to dig in and learn to use it because I've seen other people doing really great stuff with it.



I did look at Evernote, related to the Getting Organized thread. I found this site which walks through starting up with Evernote and incorporating it with Getting Things Done, but I haven't gotten that particular thing done yet :/ .... (for those who don't know, Getting Things Done is a book/organization program written for business folks and useful to many; lots of mamas have adapted it to their requirements)

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I just found this and it looks like it will work for my family...hopefully it will help you too :)





oh, this is intriguing .... I'm on the way out the door to the park: it is so tantalizing!!! and hard to leave. Will go over more carefully later.

ETA: Haiku Learning was a very poor fit for what I want -- which is sort of like online planned/planner pages -- the overhead per assignment is pretty high, and I can see that it would be useful for classroom teachers, but (in my quick runthrough) didn't seem a natural fit for homeschoolers. I think it is more meant for general information pages, and for generating rich assignment pages that also allow online submission of work, than for the sort of individualized daily work units I'm thinking of.

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