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Fraction Help

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My daughter is having some trouble understanding fractions. I checked her homework last night and about half of it was wrong so I had her correct it this morning. She told me it was hard for her, which takes a lot for her to tell me she isn't understanding something. Anyone have any tips or ideas on where I can find extra help for fractions? It can be games or worksheets or anything. She understands up to about quarters or fifths then it seems to get confusing to her even though it's the same thing. She did seem to understand better this morning but I just want to help her as much as I can with it because I know it will make other skills much harder to do if she doesn't understand the basics.

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We have the Math Mammoth workbooks. You can use the Fractions workbook.


We are also using free graded worksheets from Houghton-Mifflin. You will need to download and print it page-by-page, though, which is a bit of a pain. e.g. for grade 3, fractions chapter 18, here is the lesson and the Printable page-by-page worksheets.


Here is a substantial 36 min. video and a presentation from RightStart Math.

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Thanks. I may look into that this weekend. I'm going to check out some workbooks at the stores as well. I just know that if she is having trouble and needs help it's not the teacher's job to be sure she is getting it. It is my job as mom to be sure she understands it and as long as it's within reason I don't mind at all spending extra to help her with that. The teacher has 22 other kids to teach and only so much time. Plus I know her learning styles best and sometimes it just takes a different approach to the same material to get it. I know if she isn't getting fractions then decimals and percents later on will be hard to understand and those are things she will need the rest of her life to be able to use.

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Thanks so much. My mom talked to her over the weekend, because she will tell my mom more things than me which honestly I'm fine with as long as she has some adult in her life she trusts to tell anything and everything to. My daughter said that she didn't understand the instructions on the worksheet but gets the fractions. I can believe that since after we fixed that one worksheet she hasn't had any other issues. However I do still plan to let her play fun games to practice them more either online or on the tablet or something fun for her so she can play and practice at the same time.

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I have found several worksheets and fraction things that on days I don't work too late I am starting to do w/ dd. She has also found some online games that she chose to play and was so excited that it also worked on fractions. I have also been having her help me w/ preparing food working with measuring cups like if it needs 1 cup I may have her get it but make her use a half cup or a quarter cup. She is starting to get them better with fun extra practice. I feel bad for the kids though who don't have parents willing to work with them at home because I know that every kid, no matter how smart, needs help sometimes with something. Her biggest struggle is like fractions like 2/4 is 1/2 or 4/16 is 1/4 and such. We will just continue to work with it though and I know it will all click one day and I can't wait to see that look in her eyes when it all makes sense even if it's when she's telling me about it later on she just gets a special look to her eyes when it all makes sense

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Her biggest struggle is like fractions like 2/4 is 1/2 or 4/16 is 1/4 and such.



Take a piece of scrap paper. Fold in half and ask your daughter to color each half a different color. Than cut the paper into half so you have two 1/2. After that cut one of the 1/2 into two. So 1/2 becomes two 1/4 or 2/4. Gradually she will get the concept of equivalent fractions.


There is also a virtual manipulative on the internet for the fraction strips posted (http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/search.html Scroll down the page to fractions)

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