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Why Do People Think It's Okay to Question Your Decision to Home Educate?

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You're right. I'm pretty good at reading tone. I actually think that this was just a mining question - to see what I felt about the schools. That's why I answered her in that vein - I'm just venting here that I'm growing tired of strangers questioning me about our choices, that's all.


What I found funny though, is that the school district we are in right now is NOT a good one. It's near the bottom of all of Nevada and she's telling me that it is one of the best.



I have found that most people believe their school district to be the best regardless of how it i actually ranked by professionals. In every school district you will find people who will go on an on about how WONDERFUL the schools are, no matter how good or bad the schools there actually are.

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Right, yes, there's a huge difference. I have had numerous polite interactions from genuinely curious and interested people IRL. Just a couple of weeks ago, I spoke with a grandfather whose DIL was planning to homeschool and I mentioned this board and the book for her. He said she already had the book - great start, huh?



Yep. I can usually pick out the well meaning ones and the ones just trying to pick conversation.

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"You really think I'd send my child to a potential warzone where they're going to be failed in every possible way?"



*making mental note*


I wouldn't dream of making comments on people's personal choices but I do admit to asking other pregnant moms when they are due. I didn't realize that is rude!! It doesn't happen often anymore since I am hardly ever out of the house. :tongue_smilie:

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If you decide to homeschool high school, it starts all over. People that get you homeschooling elementary and middle school, don't understand why you'd homeschool high school. It's SO important, how could YOU pull it off.


I'm also in my mid 40s, I've gotten a lot more assertive about idiotic comments. It took me years to develop tact, 40s seem to have eliminated the tact and helped me embrace the glare, the stare, and OMG! why would say that type of look.




So freakin true. Once everyone realized that we are still homechooling even though our oldest started high school the comments started again. Since I only smile and nod and ask them to pass the bean dip our homeschooling has fallen back into a category of things we don't talk about with family and friends who do not homeschool. But the first half of this year was quite a nightmare. As if I don't already wonder if I am messing my kids up for life and they will never get into college or be able to support a family.

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Yup! My brothers think I'm doing my daughter a great disservice. My mother thought I was crazy too, until while visiting she see's just how much more our dd is doing and learning than her peers. Now my mom talks about our homeschooling with pride.


However, my brothers would never even DARE to confront me about it. I was always the SCARY one in the family. They are actually afraid of me. I must say that I came by that honestly. I never had tact, always stood up for myself and was a mean son-of-a-gun as a teen up until I became a Christian. Now I'm quite mellow and so much happier. However, every now and then, with provocation, I can still get quite nasty. I really, really try not too, but that's one of my greatest sins.


Maybe that's why I haven't ever had to deal with people trying to get me to consider ps?

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So freakin true. Once everyone realized that we are still homechooling even though our oldest started high school the comments started again. Since I only smile and nod and ask them to pass the bean dip our homeschooling has fallen back into a category of things we don't talk about with family and friends who do not homeschool. But the first half of this year was quite a nightmare. As if I don't already wonder if I am messing my kids up for life and they will never get into college or be able to support a family.



I had no idea that this would happen in high school, but I guess I understand it. There are even a lot of homeschoolers that don't school through high school. Now I know to be prepared. I am hoping that since my dh is a high school teacher that his opinion will hold greater weight.

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