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Who uses MCT without the poetry & vocabulary?


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Do you feel it was a good decision?


We just started Building Language, so the jury is still out on that part, but we've finished Music of the Hemispheres, and I'm not sure it was a good use of our time. Most of the language and analysis went right over ds's head. He would probably tell you he learned about WWI tanks on a rabbit trail, and that he liked it, but I seriously doubt whether he would be able to remember a simile. I'm thinking that this curriculum is not about exposure, so we may have not gained a lot from it. The grammar and writing portions work fabulously for us, so I'm debating doing Grammar Town/Paragraph Town next year and waiting on poetry analysis and vocabulary until logic stage.


Is there a reason I shouldn't do this? Thoughts?

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I don't know that it was the most profound lesson of his life or anything but my son really LOVES the poetry books and this not a poetry loving kid. He was 8 for MoH and 9 for BP. I don't think they are necessary but for me the value has been in him having very positive experiences reading and talking about the poetry. While he is not getting as much out of the analysis of it as he would once he was a little older, he is loving a type of writing he previously rejected out of hand. For us, it's money well spent. We just get the Teacher version. If I want to hide a prompt or a question or explanation until he gives his own answer, I just put a sticky note over it.

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we use Building Language as a conversation starter. We don't skip it entirely but we don't do the writing assignments typically. Poetry... well that book is hit and miss for us. We need more poetry in our life.. have we implemented it flawlessly into our schedule? Nope. GI, PI and SI and BL have a steady presence, though ha ha

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