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What's out there for Grammar


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So what is out there for Grammar? I know First Language Lessons. I know MCT. I know Kiss. I don't know if any of those will actually work for us. I don't think FLL is going to work for us from what I've seen. I have been looking at MCT and I think it might work and it looks like a great fit but I want to make sure I research everything. KISS, dd can already identify nouns, verbs, articles, phrases, incomplete sentences, adjectives, adverbs, and correctly use punctuation (basics like periods, exclamation points and question marks), she also knows capitilization rules. She's a young first grader. We are using the Basher Basic book to help introduce ideas and she's doing great at it.

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What are you looking for in a curriculum? What makes a "great fit" in your opinion? What do you not like about FLL? She knows quite a bit, and definitely knows enough for her age/grade that you wouldn't actually NEED a grammar program for quite a few years. What are you wanting her to learn that she doesn't already know? Whatever you pick, it will contain a lot of review of things she does know already. One you didn't list would be Growing With Grammar. Rod&Staff English starts in 2nd grade ( love R&S).

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I'm considering Rod and Staff because it's thorough and it's writing in one. I want something that is not scripted, it's a personal thing for me. I want something not super expensive. I want something rigorous and thorough so I know she's got it, but something that is engaging too.

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I don't like scripted. We switched from FLL to Rod & Staff and couldn't be happier. We're currently doing English 2 (which I've found many skip and start with English 3) So far we love it, so if English 3 gets even better, than that'll be awesome, because hands down, we plan to stick with R&S for sure!

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Just wondering why you've ruled out FLL? I hated it initially and thought it for sure wouldn't work for us. A year and a half later, we're in book 2, and I love it. Yes, none of our other subjects are scripted, but we both love the fact that the lessons are so short and... finite. Totally different from everything else we do, but it has become a very welcome part of our day.


ETA: Yes, I felt totally stupid doing the "reading the script" thing at first! I only stuck with it because everyone on here told me to and it was easier than starting from scratch and shopping around all over again...

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I've used Easy Grammar because the prepositional approach makes sense to me. It's worked very well for most of my kids, but I'm shifting to Winston Grammar for my dyslexic son. Winston Grammar uses auditory, visual and hands-on methods in each lesson so it seems like it will cover all learning types. We're just beginning, so I can't tell you how well it will work yet.

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