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Combining students in Elemental Science


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My kids that I am considering this for are 5 and 7. I am trying to decide b/n Intro and biology. My younger ds isn't particular sciency, my older ds is but can't handle much writing. Is it better to bump the younger child to higher level or place the older child in the lower level? Any advice?

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I think you could do either and be happy with the end result; it just depends on your goals and what your dc would like best. I personally would do Biology (which is my favorite science so I'm biased :tongue_smilie:). I think biology is such a fun science for this age: take lots of trips to the zoo, put bird and squirrel feeders in your yard to observe them up close, order a butterfly and frog kit to watch the life cycles of each in the comfort of your home, grow flowers and vegetable in pots on your porch!! So much fun.


No matter which route you go, you can simply have your children narrate to you whatever it is that they want to write to avoid unnecessary frustration. My youngest (1st grade) is doing ES Earth Science and Astronomy in our co-op this year. He is a very, very hesitant writer as well. We have geared the class so that kiddos like him can simply copy one sentence off the board and/or draw a picture. Hope that helps.

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Next year I will be using Elemental's Intro with a 5 yo and 7 yo (K and 2nd). I chose this simply because it fit better with my overall plan with science. :p We'll be doing Biology the following year. My oldest does not like to write at all, so I felt it would be best to do a gentle, hands-on year with them together (it'll be the first "official" year of them doing "real" subjects together.) Intro. looked like it would fit that the best. :)

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I tried intro when my oldest was grade one and stopped after six weeks or so because it was just way too simple. He's asked me several times if we are going to finish it, he did enjoy it. I'm thinking of starting it with my k'er this year. So if you do intro you may need to beef it up some for your older. You are right that there isn't much writing, so it would be good in that respect.

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I am doing intro with my 5&6 yo -the main reason I chose it is because of the lack of writing but it is almost too simple for them. I wouldn't do it with a 7 yo. I would go with biology and just require the 5yo to write less. I think he would be fine with the content.

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I tried intro when my oldest was grade one and stopped after six weeks or so because it was just way too simple.

I am doing intro with my 5&6 yo -the main reason I chose it is because of the lack of writing but it is almost too simple for them. I wouldn't do it with a 7 yo.


Whelp....off to rethink my long-term science plans. :p :p

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Great! Biology ordered :) I'm excited to use this. I think it will work well for us. I also ordered the matter unit study ebook. I figured for $2 I can't lose. It looks just like what I was looking for. I was able to get the spines from the library and it has some hands-on activities too. Looks much better than the worksheet oriented science kit I ordered from our resource library (blech!).

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