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Crossfit - What can you tell me?


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A new Crossfit gym just opened in our area. Is anyone familiar with them? Or know anything about them?

Anything is appreciated.

I have looked at their website but still feel lost. :o


There is also a 'regulary' Nautlis gym that offers regular classes.


My cousin and I have decided to join one and try to work out together. We want to sign up for 3 months to get started and go from there.

Which way would you go?

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I've been doing Crossfit for about 10 months and I love it; in fact, it's quite addicting. I had been running for several years before joining, and it really bothered me that I could run 13 miles but couldn't do a single push up. I still run a little but Crossfit is now my main exercise. I think the thing I like about it the most is that it's quicker than your typical gym class (sometimes I can get in and out in @ 30min.). My gym has a required foundations class that involves 6-8 classes that introduces you to all the moves. It also has a women's only class, which can be less intimidating. I would definitely go for a tour and see a class in action before you decide.

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The best part for me is that the exercises are modifiable for whatever level you are. When I took Fundamentals class there were some people that were very fit and very flexable but the instructor was able to adjust everything to my level so that I was doing a challenging to me workout even though it wasnt the same as everyone else. I hope to someday be able to do the workouts Rx ( as prescribed) but I am not there yet.


I would definitely find out if there is a Fundamentals class and look at it. It is amazing how much better I feel just knowing that I was able to do something I wasn't able to do before.

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Yes, this gym has a foundations class that you have to attend before doing the others.


How are the exercises different? I need to go tour, but am trying to figure out why their monthly membership is $100 when the other gym is $45. Is it really worth that difference?



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By "nautilus", I assume you mean a circuit of pin-selector machines?


Then the difference is this: Crossfit mainly comprises large, multi joint (and muscle group) exercises, done at a tempo and intensity that makes them cardio as well as strength building. It is functional training.


A pin weight machine isolates a single joint/muscle/muscle group. You (generally) do X sets of Y reps, resting between sets, then move to the next machine. There is no cardio component inherent in doing a circuit like that. And you are moving in a single, predetermined plane.


Neither is the right or wrong way, they are just very different approaches. In my experience (both personal and as a trainer), pin weight circuits become boring very quickly, and limit the strength and functional training (see single plane of motion above). If the "other" gym has a fully stocked free weight section, you can totally do Crossfit style workouts, though I would encourage you to avail yourself of a personal trainer on site to be instructed in form.



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I paid $25/month for a gym membership I never used. Now I pay $100 for a gym that I use 4x a week. I like the challenge that Crossfit provides, and I like that it's something different every time I walk in. I get bored doing the same thing every time I go to the gym, which is why I never went to Zumba, kickboxing, step, etc., for very long. So for me, it's worth it.


Workout example...I did the following for 3 rounds and for time...400m run, 21 kettle bell swings, 12 pull-ups...3 rounds took me 14m 15s. This was scaled for me with a lighter kettle bell and a band to assist with the pull ups. We usually do a warm up, practice some type of strength move (back squats for example), followed by the workout. We then cool down and stretch. I guess I could do this in my garage at home, but I really like the motivation that comes from working with trainers (usually 2 for our group of 10-15) and other crossfitters.

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