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Open and Go Science Suggestions Grade 2


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Sorry if this has been asked. I am having a hard time navagating the new boards. This year for 1st grade I picked Real Science Odyssey for science. It is an awesome curriculum, but I can't do it again next year. This year I picked some really teacher intensive curriculums and by December I was burnt out on all the time I was spending getting our lessons together. I want something open and go for science next yr. I don't mind if it doesn't have experiments (I can do that on my own) and we don't mind worksheets. My only "thing" is that it be secular. What would you recommend?

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The best "open and go" science days we have are when the kids spot birds they've never seen on the birdfeeder and we spend the next half hour looking it up in the field guide and learning all we can on Google. Or when we decided to get a puppy from a breeder and now my 7 year old is researching German shepherds and how puppies develop. Or when my friend's niece had a frog she had to give away, so we created a habitat for it and read about frogs, their diets, etc. For all of those things, I did no planning. We just went with the flow!

Science happens everywhere, every day, and it has taken me awhile to embrace that and let go of the idea of hardcore planning it out. I do have BFSU, which I use once every week or two to make sure we have no gaps. But I'm learning to let the little kids follow their interests more. I just further the learning and rabbit trails with library books, movies, and websites.

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I second Evan Moore Daily Science. My 2nd grader is using the 3rd grade book right now, in addition to Life Science Task cards from Creek,Edge Press which i really like also. EMDS is very open amd go. Takes him 10 min a day and he often does more. So on days when we just cant get to more science, it is a nice fit.

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Happy Scientist? You watch it online (him doing the experiment) then the kids do it. Simple. My kids love it. They always want to go try whatever he does. Its mostly all simple stuff too (meaning simple ingrediants, like one just needs a jar and cream, another needs an umbrella etc) To me thats the most open and go you can get, and it can be minimal teacher involvement (you can do nothing, let them watch and figure out how to do it, to getting books from the library on the subject, printing out some lab experiment sheets for them to write down as their doing their experiment etc etc)

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OP: I'm glad you found a science that looks like a good fit!


I wanted to add to the thread:


Elemental Science is simple to do. I'm not sure it is enough for us here, but we've just got going on it.

If one has some $$ to toss at the problem, the Little Professor Kits are marvelous. If you did 3 or 4 in a year, you would be covered; but they are about $100 each.

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