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I agree with cathmom. John Fox made some horrible decisions in that game It is almost like the Broncos intentionally lost it. I don't know why they would do that, but that is the only thing I can figure since they could have easily won it and chose to lose instead.

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I haven't watched a lot if football in the past ten -fifteen years, but I watched that game all the way thru yesterday and I have to say, the reffing, camera-reviewing, penalties for stupid stuff ... what a buzz-kill. Talk about slowing down the game. I was just dying for the game to just END, please. Who has that kind of time? Four HOURS???


And pooh on the outcome, too.



I agree, Patty Joanna. The refs were clearly going for the Ravens. It even looked like the Bronco coaches were going for the Ravens. Since the offensive coodinator (the one who was calling the plays) is now the Charger's head coach (as of today), it is clear he wanted them to lose so he could get on with his life. What a selfish selfish man. He and the other coaches (Elway included) don't even care what they did to their players or their fans. Pathetic!

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I agree with cathmom. John Fox made some horrible decisions in that game It is almost like the Broncos intentionally lost it. I don't know why they would do that, but that is the only thing I can figure since they could have easily won it and chose to lose instead.


Unfortunately, this is pretty much par for the course of the Broncos over the past, oh, 20 years . . . 25 years. It's just too bad that Manning is a Bronco, imo.



Not a Bronco fan


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And now the offensive coodinator (the guy who was calling the horrible plays in) is already the head coach of another team ... the San Diego Chargers. Three days after losing the game for Denver he is the head coach of one of Denver's rival teams. Boy, isn't that classy?

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