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Is anyone here on Twitter?


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I am, and ya, you get a lot of social media scam people - I use mine as a news feed though and don't pay any attention to the "followers/following" clean out thing.


It's ridiculous and time consuming to clean it up. You can set your profile to private to lessen the impact there.

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There is something weird about how they decide who is following you. My dh has a lot of followers that he does not know, I don't think they are REALLY following him, it is just something about their program. My ds just started Twitter and the only followers he has are people he really knows.

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it's common to have people you don't know follow you. Twitter will suggest people to follow when you follow someone new, people with the same "themes" or who follow people you follow. There are also people who are just trying to build their twitter numbers- it is usually etiquette to follow someone who has followed you, so these people are hoping many people will mindlessly follow them. You can block someone if they make you nervous, I have done that a few times. I try to check out who follows me and only follow back if it looks like we have something in common, though I do have a few etiquette follows, too. Twitter can be fun, the more people you are following, the more active your feed will be and the more info you will pick up. I like it for finding giveaways and for finding out news quick. I'm @ hen jen ca (no spaces) if you want to follow.

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it's common to have people you don't know follow you. Twitter will suggest people to follow when you follow someone new, people with the same "themes" or who follow people you follow. There are also people who are just trying to build their twitter numbers- it is usually etiquette to follow someone who has followed you, so these people are hoping many people will mindlessly follow them. You can block someone if they make you nervous, I have done that a few times. I try to check out who follows me and only follow back if it looks like we have something in common, though I do have a few etiquette follows, too. Twitter can be fun, the more people you are following, the more active your feed will be and the more info you will pick up. I like it for finding giveaways and for finding out news quick. I'm @ hen jen ca (no spaces) if you want to follow.


Thanks for the insight, Jen. I followed you!

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