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So totally terrified....after the fact...


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Had a friend over today. She brought her son (8) and foster son (4), along with her older girls. Our kids (including my 5 yo ds) all went outside to play and the bigger girls to ride horses. After 45 minutes or so, we got to missing the boys. Send out some other kids to look. Nothing.


I went out and walked the property and called and called. Nothing.


I checked the ponds, barns, woods,. Nothing.


After about 30 minutes of walking, I got up to the house. A neighbor about a mile up the road had called and said that they'd wandered into her yard crying that they couldn't get home. She looked us up on the internet, found our number and called.


I think I've had about 10 years scared off of my life today.


I was just about to call the police.


They followed the girls on the horses and when the horses were out of sight they followed the dog. Then they crossed the street and started knocking on doors. So thankful that the lady was home and nice.


I just can't stop thinking about what could have happened.

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That is scary! My ds did this once. We finally found him at the neighbors in their RV. He had crawled in the animal door. We were worried about the same things, pond, electric fence... I am sure I started my grey hairs that day :tongue_smilie: It makes a funny story now, but than. No. way.

Glad everyone is fine. :grouphug:

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