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Need a Christian devotional for dd13 that has some Bible reading/application

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I'm having a TERRIBLE time finding something! She wants it divided up into days, with some Bible reading and some application.


All of the teen ones are LAME, with application stuff that doesn't apply to a conservative homeschooled teen.


But then some of the adult ones are too heavy.


She doesn't necessarily need a though the whole Bible one. Just maybe something like to read Galatians 2:3-8 and then it fleshes it out a bit. Application would be great but I guess not totally necessary.


She is at such a pivotal point in her faith walk and something faith edifying to draw her deeper in Christ would be great. She has quite a bit of Bible knowledge due to years of Awana, Sunday school, home study, etc. so something meaty (but not a deep theological slog every day) is fine.


I would so appreciate any help! Thanks!

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I just got my dd http://www.amazon.com/Whats-Stopping-You-Nathan-Thomas/dp/1606820761/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1357271902&sr=8-1&keywords=what%27s+stopping+you+nathan+thomas




It has 7 chapters, each with 3 sections. It includes memory work. I'm thinking she can work through it 3 days a week and discuss day 4. At least that's my theory. I'm really pleased with it though, now that I have it in-hand. Very meaty topics appropriate to the age, not talking down.

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My dd started the Day by Day series when she was 11 (though it's good for older people as well). There is a small page of reading for each day. It goes through the Bible in 5 years (so this link is for the set of 5 books). It is not difficult but it is thoughtful and serious. The application is not typical American style - as the original is in French. I actually prefer the French version..






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This doesn't meet the Bible reading requirement (though there are some verse references in each chapter that you could look up) but I have been reading Everyday Battles by Bob Schultz as a devotional after my Bible reading. Though it is aimed at males, I have found it so very helpful in my own life and my husband did as well. There aren't any of the "teen" application stuff you mentioned. It talks about how our every day conflicts, big or small, are designed to teach us more about the Lord and ourselves.I'll be reading it to my girls or having them read it themselves. I highly recommend it.

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Thank you, Kendall, for sharing about Everyday Battles. I have read Bob Shultz' other books with my boys and we LOVED them! I had read he had passed away a couple of years ago and never thought there would be other books. I went straight to CBD and ordered this book today. We cannot wait to read it! Thank you again.



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