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Idiot's Guide and For Dummies....

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My opinion is that I would not use them if you intend to list resources in your course descriptions (at the high school level).



I wouldn't use them as a sole resource, I would use them to build off of or to put together a course for a subject I know nothing about. Mainly, I want to know if the information in them is reliable - are they as good as/reliable as a typical textbook?

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I really like the Dummies/Idiots series as a basic beginners guide for practical subjects, like Puppies for Dummies (which was very helpful for us and very basic), or repairs, or other how-to topics. For academic subjects, I'd skip the Idiots/Dummies series and go for a textbook or something like (for example) The Annotated Mona Lisa to cover basic art history, or an Alfred Music Theory book.



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I really like the Dummies/Idiots series as a basic beginners guide for practical subjects, like Puppies for Dummies (which was very helpful for us and very basic), or repairs, or other how-to topics. For academic subjects, I'd skip the Idiots/Dummies series and go for a textbook or something like (for example) The Annotated Mona Lisa to cover basic art history, or an Alfred Music Theory book.




Thank you.

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The value of the book varies. So does the depth. I'd try asking about the specific book you're interested in!
The titles I am considering are: Art History, Music Theory, World History, Anatomy and Physiology.


Besides asking here, check the reviews at Amazon. I usually learn enough from them to judge if a particular volume is well done or not.

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