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Rings for index cards----vocabulary, memorization, etc.


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What type of good, inexpensive rings should I require my students to get to hold their index cards for vocabulary, memorization, etc.


They need a ring the allows the cards to be flipped easily, and a ring that won't come unclasped easily.


I was first thinking about those metal shower rings because they would not come apart easily, but they aren't circular enough to flip well.


There are those round rings that would flip cards well, but the clasp is kind of hooked together and not very sturdy, I'm afraid.


If I can, and if they are available at WM, I may be able to quickly add one of those 2 ring index card binders to their supply list.


What have you found is the best way to ring the cards?



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My sons don't put them on rings, but use binder clips or elastic bands. They like to be able to sort the cards as they go through them....cards they know go in one pile, ones they don't know go in another. And then they review the "don't know" pile again until all the cards are in the "know" pile.


They keep their decks of cards (clipped or with an elastic) in a card box (or two).


This doesn't answer your question though....



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We used the metal rings that you can get at Walmart in a pack of 5. I'm not sure if it's the same ones you were talking about. I used them for math flashcards and had about 100 on one of them and never had a problem with it coming apart. Hope that helps!

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When I went looking for these last year I was only able to find them at Walmart... but in the crafts section. So there were only a couple per package. These are the kind where the ends just hook together. It's not too strong. I found similar ones at amazon in a package of 100 that I was considering (I need more this year, I think). http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00008XPLC/ref=ord_cart_shr?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance


However, I think I'll go check with my local Dollar store. I like the sound of ones that fold inward to close!


[off to check if I really do need to get some more this year... so I can at least get it on my list of things to get!] :auto:

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They aren't so inexpensive (last one I bought was full priced at $3.99 at Target - I've seen them at all the office stores too). They are little 2 ring binders for holed index cards. You can buy the cards punch, or punch them yourself. The kids seem to keep track of their cards best with this method. They can also keep the most recent work on top and file the older ones deep down, create dividers where need be, etc.


FWIW, I saw index card holders with a snap closure (not bound though) at all the discount stores. Last year they had them on sale at Target, Walmart, Kmart, etc. for very cheap during their back to school sales. They are nice in theory, but my kids would lose cards. So we moved on to the bound type.


GL and HTH! - Stacey in MA

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